SHOULD_BE_PURE | A "pure" proc does not make any external changes, or to its output. |
PRIVATE_PROC | Private procs can only be called by things of exactly the same type. This also prevents overriding of the proc. |
PROTECTED_PROC | Protected procs can only be call by things of the same type or subtypes |
VAR_FINAL | Final vars forbid overriding their value by types that inherit it. |
VAR_PRIVATE | Private vars can only be called by things of exactly the same type |
VAR_PROTECTED | Protected vars can only be call by things of the same type or subtypes |
Define Details
Private procs can only be called by things of exactly the same type. This also prevents overriding of the proc.
Protected procs can only be call by things of the same type or subtypes
A "pure" proc does not make any external changes, or to its output.
Final vars forbid overriding their value by types that inherit it.
Private vars can only be called by things of exactly the same type
Protected vars can only be call by things of the same type or subtypes