Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


COMSIG_CLIENT_CLICKSignals for base types that have too few related signals to put in separate files. Doc format: /// when the signal is called: (signal arguments). All signals send the source datum of the signal as the first argument from base of client/Click(): (atom/target, atom/location, control, params, mob/user)
COMSIG_CLIENT_MOUSEDOWNfrom base of client/MouseDown(): (/client, object, location, control, params)
COMSIG_CLIENT_MOUSEUPfrom base of client/MouseUp(): (/client, object, location, control, params)
COMSIG_CLIENT_MOUSEDRAGfrom base of client/MouseUp(): (/client, object, location, control, params)
COMSIG_AREA_ENTEREDfrom base of area/Entered(): (atom/movable/M)
COMSIG_AREA_EXITEDfrom base of area/Exited(): (atom/movable/M)
COMSIG_TURF_CHANGEfrom base of turf/ChangeTurf(): (path, list/new_baseturfs, flags, list/transferring_comps)
COMSIG_TURF_ON_SHUTTLE_MOVEfrom base of turf/proc/onShuttleMove(): (turf/new_turf)
COMSIG_ATOM_GET_DECALSfrom base of turf/proc/get_decals(): (list/datum/element/decal/decals)

Define Details


from base of area/Entered(): (atom/movable/M)


from base of area/Exited(): (atom/movable/M)


from base of turf/proc/get_decals(): (list/datum/element/decal/decals)


Signals for base types that have too few related signals to put in separate files. Doc format: /// when the signal is called: (signal arguments). All signals send the source datum of the signal as the first argument from base of client/Click(): (atom/target, atom/location, control, params, mob/user)


from base of client/MouseDown(): (/client, object, location, control, params)


from base of client/MouseUp(): (/client, object, location, control, params)


from base of client/MouseUp(): (/client, object, location, control, params)


from base of turf/ChangeTurf(): (path, list/new_baseturfs, flags, list/transferring_comps)


from base of turf/proc/onShuttleMove(): (turf/new_turf)