COMSIG_ITEM_PRE_UNEQUIP | Signals for /obj/item and subtypes that have too few related signals to put in separate files.
Doc format: /// when the signal is called: (signal arguments) .
All signals send the source datum of the signal as the first argument
called on /obj/item before unequip from base of [/mob/proc/unEquip]: (force, atom/newloc, no_move, invdrop, silent) |
COMPONENT_ITEM_BLOCK_UNEQUIP | only the pre unequip can be cancelled |
COMSIG_ITEM_EQUIPPED | from base of obj/item/equipped(): (/mob/equipper, slot) |
COMSIG_ITEM_DROPPED | from base of obj/item/dropped(): (mob/user) |
COMSIG_ITEM_PICKUP | from base of obj/item/pickup(): (/mob/taker) |
COMSIG_ITEM_HIT_REACT | from base of obj/item/hit_reaction(): (list/args) |
COMSIG_ITEM_SHARPEN_ACT | from base of item/sharpener/attackby(): (amount, max) |
COMSIG_ASSEMBLY_PULSED | Called by /obj/item/assembly/proc/pulse |
COMSIG_SHOES_STEP_ACTION | from [/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/Move]: () |
COMSIG_IMPLANT_ACTIVATED | from base of /obj/item/bio_chip/proc/activate(): () |
COMSIG_IMPLANT_IMPLANTING | from base of /obj/item/bio_chip/proc/implant(): (list/args) |
COMSIG_IMPLANT_OTHER | called on already installed implants when a new one is being added in /obj/item/bio_chip/proc/implant(): (list/args, obj/item/bio_chip/new_implant) |
COMSIG_IMPLANT_EXISTING_UPLINK | called on implants being implanted into someone with an uplink implant: (datum/component/uplink) |
COMSIG_IMPLANT_IMPLANTED | called on implants, after a successful implantation: (mob/living/target, mob/user, silent, force) |
COMSIG_IMPLANT_REMOVED | called on implants, after an implant has been removed: (mob/living/source, silent, special) |
COMSIG_GUN_TRY_FIRE | called in /obj/item/gun/fire_gun (user, target, flag, params) |
COMSIG_MOB_TRY_FIRE | called in /obj/item/gun/afterattack (user, target, flag, params) |
COMSIG_GUN_FIRED | called in /obj/item/gun/process_fire (user, target) |
COMSIG_AUTOFIRE_ONMOUSEDOWN | called in /datum/component/automatic_fire/proc/on_mouse_down: (client/clicker, atom/target, turf/location, control, params) |
COMSIG_AUTOFIRE_SHOT | called in /datum/component/automatic_fire/proc/process_shot(): (atom/target, mob/living/shooter, allow_akimbo, params) |
COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_SELECTED | Called when a module is selected to be the active one from on_select(obj/item/mod/module/module) |
COMSIG_MOD_DEPLOYED | Called when a MOD deploys one or more of its parts. |
COMSIG_MOD_RETRACTED | Called when a MOD retracts one or more of its parts. |
COMSIG_MOD_TOGGLED | Called when a MOD is finished toggling itself. |
COMSIG_MOD_ACTIVATE | Called when a MOD activation is called from toggle_activate(mob/user) |
MOD_CANCEL_ACTIVATE | Cancels the suit's activation |
COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_REMOVED | Called when a MOD finishes having a module removed from it. |
COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_ADDED | Called when a MOD finishes having a module added to it. |
COMSIG_MOD_MODULE_REMOVAL | Called when a MOD is having modules removed from crowbar_act(mob/user, obj/crowbar) |
MOD_CANCEL_REMOVAL | Cancels the removal of modules |
COMSIG_MODULE_TRIGGERED | Called when a module attempts to activate, however it does. At the end of checks so you can add some yourself, or work on trigger behavior (mob/user) |
MOD_ABORT_USE | Cancels activation, with no message. Include feedback on your cancel. |
COMSIG_MODULE_ACTIVATED | Called when a module activates, after all checks have passed and cooldown started. |
COMSIG_MODULE_DEACTIVATED | Called when a module deactivates, after all checks have passed. |
COMSIG_MODULE_USED | Called when a module is used, after all checks have passed and cooldown started. |
COMSIG_MOD_WEARER_SET | Called when the MODsuit wearer is set. |
COMSIG_MOD_WEARER_UNSET | Called when the MODsuit wearer is unset. |
COMSIG_SPEED_POTION_APPLIED | from base of /obj/item/slimepotion/speed/afterattack__legacy__attackchain(): (obj/target, /obj/src, mob/user) |
COMSIG_CYBORG_ITEM_ACTIVATED | from /mob/living/silicon/robot/proc/activate_item() (mob/user), A general signal for if a specific borg item needs something done when being activated. |
COMSIG_CYBORG_ITEM_DEACTIVATED | from /mob/living/silicon/robot/proc/deactivate_item() (mob/user), A general signal for if a specific borg item needs something done when being deactivated. |
Define Details
only the pre unequip can be cancelled
Called by /obj/item/assembly/proc/pulse
called in /datum/component/automatic_fire/proc/on_mouse_down: (client/clicker, atom/target, turf/location, control, params)
called in /datum/component/automatic_fire/proc/process_shot(): (atom/target, mob/living/shooter, allow_akimbo, params)
from /mob/living/silicon/robot/proc/activate_item() (mob/user), A general signal for if a specific borg item needs something done when being activated.
from /mob/living/silicon/robot/proc/deactivate_item() (mob/user), A general signal for if a specific borg item needs something done when being deactivated.
called in /obj/item/gun/process_fire (user, target)
called in /obj/item/gun/fire_gun (user, target, flag, params)
from base of /obj/item/bio_chip/proc/activate(): ()
called on implants being implanted into someone with an uplink implant: (datum/component/uplink)
called on implants, after a successful implantation: (mob/living/target, mob/user, silent, force)
from base of /obj/item/bio_chip/proc/implant(): (list/args)
called on already installed implants when a new one is being added in /obj/item/bio_chip/proc/implant(): (list/args, obj/item/bio_chip/new_implant)
called on implants, after an implant has been removed: (mob/living/source, silent, special)
from base of obj/item/dropped(): (mob/user)
from base of obj/item/equipped(): (/mob/equipper, slot)
from base of obj/item/hit_reaction(): (list/args)
from base of obj/item/pickup(): (/mob/taker)
Signals for /obj/item and subtypes that have too few related signals to put in separate files.
Doc format: /// when the signal is called: (signal arguments)
All signals send the source datum of the signal as the first argument
called on /obj/item before unequip from base of [/mob/proc/unEquip]: (force, atom/newloc, no_move, invdrop, silent)
from base of item/sharpener/attackby(): (amount, max)
called in /obj/item/gun/afterattack (user, target, flag, params)
Called when a module activates, after all checks have passed and cooldown started.
Called when a module deactivates, after all checks have passed.
Called when a module attempts to activate, however it does. At the end of checks so you can add some yourself, or work on trigger behavior (mob/user)
Called when a module is used, after all checks have passed and cooldown started.
Called when a MOD activation is called from toggle_activate(mob/user)
Called when a MOD deploys one or more of its parts.
Called when a MOD finishes having a module added to it.
Called when a MOD is having modules removed from crowbar_act(mob/user, obj/crowbar)
Called when a MOD finishes having a module removed from it.
Called when a module is selected to be the active one from on_select(obj/item/mod/module/module)
Called when a MOD retracts one or more of its parts.
Called when a MOD is finished toggling itself.
Called when the MODsuit wearer is set.
Called when the MODsuit wearer is unset.
from [/mob/living/carbon/human/proc/Move]: ()
from base of /obj/item/slimepotion/speed/afterattack__legacy__attackchain(): (obj/target, /obj/src, mob/user)
Cancels activation, with no message. Include feedback on your cancel.
Cancels the suit's activation
Cancels the removal of modules