Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


COMSIG_CAMERA_ONSignals for /obj/machinery and subtypes that have too few related signals to put in separate files. Doc format: /// when the signal is called: (signal arguments). All signals send the source datum of the signal as the first argument called on cameras after activation: (mob/user, display_message)
COMSIG_CAMERA_OFFcalled on cameras after deactivation: (mob/user, display_message, emped)
COMSIG_CAMERA_MOVEDcalled on cameras when moved, such as ones inside helmets: (turf/prev_turf)
COMSIG_DOOR_OPENcalled on doors when opened: ()
COMSIG_DOOR_CLOSEcalled on doors when closed: ()
COMSIG_AIRLOCK_OPENcalled on airlocks when opened: ()
COMSIG_AIRLOCK_CLOSEcalled on airlocks when closed: ()

Define Details


called on airlocks when closed: ()


called on airlocks when opened: ()


called on cameras when moved, such as ones inside helmets: (turf/prev_turf)


called on cameras after deactivation: (mob/user, display_message, emped)


Signals for /obj/machinery and subtypes that have too few related signals to put in separate files. Doc format: /// when the signal is called: (signal arguments). All signals send the source datum of the signal as the first argument called on cameras after activation: (mob/user, display_message)


called on doors when closed: ()


called on doors when opened: ()