Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


/proc/byondapi_stack_traceExists by default in 516, but needs to be defined for 515 or byondapi-rs doesn't like it.
MILLA_TILE_SIZEThe number of values per tile.
MILLA_INTERESTING_TILE_SIZEThe number of values per interesting tile.
MILLA_INTERESTING_REASON_DISPLAYInteresting because it needs a display update.
MILLA_INTERESTING_REASON_HOTInteresting because it's hot enough to start a fire. Excludes normal-temperature Lavaland tiles without an active fire.
MILLA_INTERESTING_REASON_WINDInteresting because it has wind that can push stuff around.

Define Details


Interesting because it needs a display update.


Interesting because it's hot enough to start a fire. Excludes normal-temperature Lavaland tiles without an active fire.


Interesting because it has wind that can push stuff around.


The number of values per interesting tile.


The number of values per tile.