Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


STEP_NOT_HERE_BUT_THEREThis file contains the stuff you need for using JPS (Jump Point Search) pathing, an alternative to A* that skips over large numbers of uninteresting tiles resulting in much quicker pathfinding solutions. Mind that diagonals cost the same as cardinal moves currently, so paths may look a bit strange, but should still be optimal. A helper macro for JPS, for telling when a node has forced neighbors that need expanding Only usable in the context of the jps datum because of the datum vars it relies on
/datum/jps_nodeThe JPS Node datum represents a turf that we find interesting enough to add to the open list and possibly search for new tiles from

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This file contains the stuff you need for using JPS (Jump Point Search) pathing, an alternative to A* that skips over large numbers of uninteresting tiles resulting in much quicker pathfinding solutions. Mind that diagonals cost the same as cardinal moves currently, so paths may look a bit strange, but should still be optimal. A helper macro for JPS, for telling when a node has forced neighbors that need expanding Only usable in the context of the jps datum because of the datum vars it relies on