Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


ADD_TRAITAdds a status trait to the target datum.
REMOVE_TRAITRemoves a status trait from a target datum.
REMOVE_TRAITS_NOT_INRemoves all status traits from a target datum which were NOT added by sources.
REMOVE_TRAITS_INRemoves all status traits from a target datum which were added by sources.
HAS_MIND_TRAITA simple helper for checking traits in a mob's mind
UNIQUE_TRAIT_SOURCEGives a unique trait source for any given datum
TRAIT_DODGE_ALL_OBJECTSAllows a mob to dodge all thrown objects
TRAIT_ANTIMAGICThis mob is antimagic, and immune to spells / cannot cast spells
TRAIT_ANTIMAGIC_NO_SELFBLOCKThis allows a person who has antimagic to cast spells without getting blocked
TRAIT_RECENTLY_BLOCKED_MAGICThis mob recently blocked magic with some form of antimagic
TRAIT_AI_PAUSEDTrait that prevents AI controllers from planning detached from ai_status to prevent weird state stuff.
TRAIT_MENTOR_OBSERVINGused for dead mobs that are observing, but should not be afforded all the same platitudes as full ghosts. This is a mind trait because ghosts can be frequently deleted and we want to be sure this sticks.
TRAIT_SHOW_WIRE_INFOShow what machine/door wires do when held.
TRAIT_SUPERMATTER_IMMUNEImmune to the SM / makes you immune to it when worn
TRAIT_WIELDEDAn item that is being wielded.
TRAIT_OBSCURED_WIRESWires on this will have their titles randomized for those with SHOW_WIRES
TRAIT_NO_THROWN_MESSAGEMakes the item no longer spit out a visible message when thrown
TRAIT_SILENT_INSERTIONMakes the item not display a message on storage insertion
TRAIT_ITEM_ACTIVEMakes an item active, this is generally used by energy based weapons or toggle based items.
TRAIT_HIDE_EXAMINEForbids running broadcast_examine() in examinate().
TRAIT_SURGICALA surgical tool; when in hand in help intent (and with a surgery in progress) won't attack the user
TRAIT_ADVANCED_SURGICALAn advanced surgical tool. If a surgical tool has this flag, it will be able to automatically repeat steps until they succeed.
TRAIT_SURGICAL_OPEN_HANDA surgical tool; If a surgical tool has this flag it can be used as an alternative to an open hand in surgery
TRAIT_TURF_COVEREDPrevent mobs on the turf from being affected by anything below that turf, such as a pulse demon going under it. Added by a /obj/structure with creates_cover set to TRUE
TRAIT_OIL_SLICKEDAn item that is oiled. If sprayed with water, it's slowdown reverts to normal.
TRAIT_CAN_POINT_WITHAn item that can be pointed at mobs, while on non-help intent.
TRAIT_ORGAN_INSERTED_WHILE_DEADAn organ that was inserted into a dead mob, that has not been revived yet
TRAIT_NO_STRIPPrevents stripping this equipment or seeing it in the strip menu
TRAIT_SKIP_EXAMINEPrevents seeing this item on examine when on a mob, or seeing it in the strip menu. It's like ABSTRACT, without making the item fail to interact in several ways. The item can still be stripped however, combine with no_strip unless you have a reason not to.
TRAIT_I_WANT_BRAINS_ORGANA general trait for tracking whether a zombie owned the organ or limb
TRAIT_ADJACENCY_TRANSPARENTAn /obj that should not increase the "depth" of the search for adjacency, e.g. a storage container or a modsuit.
TRAIT_NO_BREAK_GLASS_TABLESA trait for items that will not break glass tables if the user is buckled to them.
TRAIT_CURRENTLY_Z_MOVINGA trait for determining if a atom/movable is currently crossing into another z-level by using of /turf/space z-level "destination-xyz" transfers
MENTOR_OBSERVINGMentor observing
TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUTForces the user to stay unconscious.
TRAIT_IMMOBILIZEDPrevents voluntary movement.
TRAIT_FLOOREDPrevents voluntary standing or staying up on its own.
TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKEDPrevents usage of manipulation appendages (picking, holding or using items, manipulating storage).
TRAIT_UI_BLOCKEDInability to access UI hud elements.
TRAIT_CANNOT_PULLInability to pull things.
TRAIT_RESTRAINEDAbstract condition that prevents movement if being pulled and might be resisted against. Handcuffs and straight jackets, basically.
STATION_TRAIT_BANANIUM_SHIPMENTSTraits given by station traits
TRAIT_BLUESPACE_SPEEDRemoves slowdown while walking on these tiles.
/proc/callback_add_traitProc wrapper of add_trait. You should only use this for callback. Otherwise, use the macro.
/proc/callback_remove_traitProc wrapper of remove_trait. You should only use this for callback. Otherwise, use the macro.

Define Details


Adds a status trait to the target datum.

Arguments: (All Required)


A simple helper for checking traits in a mob's mind


Mentor observing


Removes a status trait from a target datum.

ROUNDSTART_TRAIT traits can't be removed without being specified in sources. Arguments:


Removes all status traits from a target datum which were added by sources.



Removes all status traits from a target datum which were NOT added by sources.



Traits given by station traits


An /obj that should not increase the "depth" of the search for adjacency, e.g. a storage container or a modsuit.


An advanced surgical tool. If a surgical tool has this flag, it will be able to automatically repeat steps until they succeed.


Trait that prevents AI controllers from planning detached from ai_status to prevent weird state stuff.


This mob is antimagic, and immune to spells / cannot cast spells


This allows a person who has antimagic to cast spells without getting blocked


Removes slowdown while walking on these tiles.


Inability to pull things.


An item that can be pointed at mobs, while on non-help intent.


A trait for determining if a atom/movable is currently crossing into another z-level by using of /turf/space z-level "destination-xyz" transfers


Allows a mob to dodge all thrown objects


Prevents voluntary standing or staying up on its own.


Prevents usage of manipulation appendages (picking, holding or using items, manipulating storage).


Forbids running broadcast_examine() in examinate().


Prevents voluntary movement.


Makes an item active, this is generally used by energy based weapons or toggle based items.


A general trait for tracking whether a zombie owned the organ or limb


Forces the user to stay unconscious.


used for dead mobs that are observing, but should not be afforded all the same platitudes as full ghosts. This is a mind trait because ghosts can be frequently deleted and we want to be sure this sticks.


A trait for items that will not break glass tables if the user is buckled to them.


Prevents stripping this equipment or seeing it in the strip menu


Makes the item no longer spit out a visible message when thrown


Wires on this will have their titles randomized for those with SHOW_WIRES


An item that is oiled. If sprayed with water, it's slowdown reverts to normal.


An organ that was inserted into a dead mob, that has not been revived yet


This mob recently blocked magic with some form of antimagic


Abstract condition that prevents movement if being pulled and might be resisted against. Handcuffs and straight jackets, basically.


Show what machine/door wires do when held.


Makes the item not display a message on storage insertion


Prevents seeing this item on examine when on a mob, or seeing it in the strip menu. It's like ABSTRACT, without making the item fail to interact in several ways. The item can still be stripped however, combine with no_strip unless you have a reason not to.


Immune to the SM / makes you immune to it when worn


A surgical tool; when in hand in help intent (and with a surgery in progress) won't attack the user


A surgical tool; If a surgical tool has this flag it can be used as an alternative to an open hand in surgery


Prevent mobs on the turf from being affected by anything below that turf, such as a pulse demon going under it. Added by a /obj/structure with creates_cover set to TRUE


Inability to access UI hud elements.


An item that is being wielded.


Gives a unique trait source for any given datum