Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesDefine Details


/datum/ai_controllerAI controllers are a datumized form of AI that simulates the input a player would otherwise give to a atom. What this means is that these datums have ways of interacting with a specific atom and control it. They posses a "blackboard" with the information the AI knows and has, and will plan actions it will try to perform through multiple modular subtrees with behaviors.
TRACK_AI_DATUM_TARGETUsed to manage references to datum by AI controllers
CLEAR_AI_DATUM_TARGETUsed to clear previously set reference handing by AI controllers
TRAIT_AI_TRACKINGUsed for above to track all the keys that have registered a signal

Define Details


Used to clear previously set reference handing by AI controllers


Used to manage references to datum by AI controllers


Used for above to track all the keys that have registered a signal