/datum/status_effect/his_wrath | does minor damage over time unless holding His Grace |
/datum/status_effect/cultghost | is a cult ghost and can't use manifest runes, can see ghosts and dies if too far from summoner |
/datum/status_effect/transient/confusion | Prevents moving straight, sometimes changing movement direction at random. Decays at a rate of 1 per second. |
/datum/status_effect/transient/dizziness | Slightly offsets the client's screen randomly every tick. Decays at a rate of 1 per second, or 5 when resting. |
/datum/status_effect/transient/drowsiness | Slows down and causes eye blur, with a 5% chance of falling asleep for a short time. Decays at a rate of 1 per second, or 5 when resting. |
/datum/status_effect/transient/drunkenness | Causes a myriad of status effects and other afflictions the stronger it is. Decays at a rate of 1 per second if no alcohol remains inside. |
/datum/status_effect/transient/silence/absolute | this one will mute all emote sounds including gasps |
HALLUCINATE_COOLDOWN_FACTOR | This is multiplied with /datum/status_effect/transient/var/strength to determine the final cooldown. A higher hallucination value means shorter cooldown. |
HALLUCINATE_CHANCE | Percentage defining the chance at which an hallucination may spawn past the cooldown. |
/datum/status_effect/cursed | Status effect that gives the target miscellanous debuffs while throwing a status alert and causing them to smoke from the damage they're incurring. Purposebuilt for cursed slot machines. |
/datum/status_effect/unbalanced | The mob has been pushed by airflow recently, and won't automatically grab nearby objects to stop drifting. |
FINISHER_THRESHOLD | This is the threshold where the attack will stun on the last hit. Why? Because it is cool, that's why. |
Define Details
This is the threshold where the attack will stun on the last hit. Why? Because it is cool, that's why.
Percentage defining the chance at which an hallucination may spawn past the cooldown.
This is multiplied with /datum/status_effect/transient/var/strength to determine the final cooldown. A higher hallucination value means shorter cooldown.