VALID_REAGENTS | Reagents that can be inserted into the cloning pod (and not deleted by it). |
VALID_BIOMASSABLES | Meats that can be used as biomass for the cloner. |
FORBIDDEN_INTERNAL_ORGANS | Internal organs the cloner will never accept for insertion. |
UPGRADE_LOCKED_ORGANS | Internal organs the cloner will only accept when fully upgraded. |
FORBIDDEN_LIMBS | Limbs that the cloner won't accept. |
ALLOWED_ROBOT_PARTS | A list of robot parts for use later, so that you can put them straight into the cloner from the exosuit fabricator. |
Define Details
A list of robot parts for use later, so that you can put them straight into the cloner from the exosuit fabricator.
Internal organs the cloner will never accept for insertion.
Limbs that the cloner won't accept.
Internal organs the cloner will only accept when fully upgraded.
Meats that can be used as biomass for the cloner.
Reagents that can be inserted into the cloning pod (and not deleted by it).