/obj/machinery/smartfridge | Stores items of a specified type. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure | Secure variant of the Smart Fridge. Can be emagged and EMP'd to short the lock. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/food/chef | The Chefs smartfridge. This smartfridge will spawn with a random condiment, then 3 stacks of 3 plants (or fish meat) to give chef some extra starting variety, or new ideas on what to cook! |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/seeds | Seeds variant of the Smart Fridge. Formerly known as MegaSeed Servitor, but renamed to avoid confusion with the vending machine. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/foodcart | Variant of the Smart Fridge that holds food and drinks in a mobile form |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/circuits | Circuit variant of the Smart Fridge. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/medbay | Medical variant of the Smart Fridge. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/extract | Secure, Xenobiology variant of the Smart Fridge. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/medbay | Secure, Medical variant of the Smart Fridge. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/chemistry | Secure, Chemistry variant of the Smart Fridge. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/chemistry/preloaded | A Smart Chemical Storage but with some items already in. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/chemistry/preloaded/syndicate | A Smart Chemical Storage (Preloaded) but with exclusive access to Syndicate. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/disks | Disk variant of the Smart Fridge. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/chemistry/virology | Secure, Virology variant of the Smart Chemical Storage. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/chemistry/virology/preloaded | A Smart Virus Storage but with some additional items. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/secure/chemistry/virology/preloaded/syndicate | A Smart Virus Storage (Preloaded) but with exclusive access to Syndicate. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/drinks | Drink variant of the Smart Fridge. |
/obj/machinery/smartfridge/drying_rack | Variant of the Smart Fridge for drying stuff. Doesn't have components. |