/obj/effect/hallucination/terror_infestation | Creates spider webs and a terror spider near a random vent around the target. |
/obj/effect/hallucination/tripper/spider_web | A fake spider web that trips the target if crossed. |
/obj/effect/hallucination/abduction | Sends an abductor agent after the target. On knockdown, spawns an abductor scientist next to the target. Nothing else happens. |
/obj/effect/hallucination/loose_energy_ball | A progressive hallucination that begins with intermittent explosions, before displaying an energy ball that shocks the target. |
/obj/effect/hallucination/assault | An imaginary attacker spawns close to the target and attacks them to stamcrit. |
/obj/effect/hallucination/sniper | Fires a penetrator round at the target. On hit, knockdown + stam loss + hallucinated blood splatter for a bit. |