Vars | |
antag_datum_blacklist | List of other antag datum types that this type can't coexist with. |
antag_hud_name | Holds the name of the hud's icon in the .dmi files, i.e "hudtraitor", "hudvampire", etc. |
antag_hud_type | Holds the type of antagonist hud this datum will get, i.e. ANTAG_HUD_TRAITOR , ANTAG_HUD_VAMPIRE , etc. |
antag_memory | Antagonist datum specific information that appears in the player's notes. Information stored here will be removed when the datum is removed from the player. |
blurb_font | Intro Blurb Font |
blurb_text_color | Intro Blurbs text colour |
blurb_text_outline_width | Intro Blurbs outline width |
clown_gain_text | If the owner is a clown, this text will be displayed to them when they gain this datum. |
clown_removal_text | If the owner is a clown, this text will be displayed to them when they lose this datum. |
clown_text_span_class | The spawn class to use for gain/removal clown text |
delayed_objectives | Do we have delayed objective giving? |
give_objectives | Should we automatically give this antagonist objectives upon them gaining the datum? |
job_rank | Used to determine if the player jobbanned from this role. Things like SPECIAL_ROLE_TRAITOR should go here to determine the role. |
mimicking | If the antagonist can have their spoken voice be something else, this is the "voice" that they will appear as. |
name | The name of the antagonist. |
objective_holder | List of objectives connected to this datum. |
organization | The organization, if any, this antag is associated with |
owner | Mind that owns this datum. |
replace_banned | Should we replace the role-banned player with a ghost? |
roundend_category | Section of roundend report, datums with same category will be displayed together, also default header for the section. |
show_in_roundend | Set to false to hide the antagonists from roundend report. |
silent | Should the owner mob get a greeting text? Determines whether or not the greet() proc is called. |
special_role | The special role that will be applied to the owner's special_role var. i.e. SPECIAL_ROLE_TRAITOR , SPECIAL_ROLE_VAMPIRE . |
wiki_page_name | The url page name for this antagonist, appended to the end of the wiki url in the form of: [GLOB.configuration.url.wiki_url]/index.php/[wiki_page_name] |
Procs | |
add_antag_hud | Adds this datum's antag hud to antag_mob . |
add_antag_objective | Create and add an objective of the given type. |
add_owner_to_gamemode | Adds the owner to their respective gamemode's list. For example SSticker.mode.traitors |= owner . |
apply_innate_effects | This handles the application of antag huds/special abilities. |
can_be_owned | Loops through the owner's antag_datums list and determines if this one is blacklisted by any others. |
create_team | Creates a new antagonist team. |
custom_blurb | This is the custom blurb message used on login for an antagonist. |
detach_from_owner | Removes owner's dependencies on this antag datum.
For example: removal of antag datum from owner's antag_datums , antag datum related teams etc.
If your /datum/antagonist subtype adds more dependencies on owner - they should be cleared there. |
farewell | Displays a message to the antag mob while the datum is being deleted, i.e. "Your powers are gone and you're no longer a vampire!" |
finalize_antag | Give the antag any final information or items. |
forge_basic_objectives | Create and assign a full set of randomized, basic human traitor objectives. can_hijack - If you want the 5% chance for the antagonist to be able to roll hijack, only true for traitors |
forge_single_human_objective | Create and assign a single randomized human traitor objective. |
get_antag_objectives | Get all of this antagonist's objectives, including from the team. |
get_team | Returns the team the antagonist belongs to, if any. |
give_objectives | Give the antagonist their objectives. Base proc, override as needed. |
greet | Displays a message and their objectives to the antag mob after the datum is added to them, i.e. "Greetings you are a traitor! etc. |
handle_clown_mutation | Handles adding and removing the clumsy mutation from clown antags. |
has_antag_objectives | Do we have any objectives at all, including from a team. Faster than get_antag_objectives() |
is_banned | Checks if the person trying to receive this datum is role banned from it. |
on_body_transfer | Removes antagonist datum effects from the old body and applies it to the new one. |
on_gain | Proc called when the datum is given to a mind. |
remove_antag_hud | Removes this datum's antag hud from antag_mob . |
remove_antag_objective | Complement to add_antag_objective that removes the objective. Currently unused. |
remove_innate_effects | This handles the removal of antag huds/special abilities. |
remove_owner_from_gamemode | Removes the owner from their respective gamemode's list. For example SSticker.mode.traitors -= owner . |
replace_banned_player | Attempts to replace the role banned antag with a ghost player. |
restore_last_hud_and_role | Re-sets the antag hud and special_role of the owner to that of the previous antag datum they had before this one was added. |
select_organization | Selects and set the organization this antag is associated with. Base proc, override as needed |
Var Details
List of other antag datum types that this type can't coexist with.
Holds the name of the hud's icon in the .dmi files, i.e "hudtraitor", "hudvampire", etc.
Holds the type of antagonist hud this datum will get, i.e. ANTAG_HUD_TRAITOR
, etc.
Antagonist datum specific information that appears in the player's notes. Information stored here will be removed when the datum is removed from the player.
Intro Blurb Font
Intro Blurbs text colour
Intro Blurbs outline width
If the owner is a clown, this text will be displayed to them when they gain this datum.
If the owner is a clown, this text will be displayed to them when they lose this datum.
The spawn class to use for gain/removal clown text
Do we have delayed objective giving?
Should we automatically give this antagonist objectives upon them gaining the datum?
Used to determine if the player jobbanned from this role. Things like SPECIAL_ROLE_TRAITOR
should go here to determine the role.
If the antagonist can have their spoken voice be something else, this is the "voice" that they will appear as.
The name of the antagonist.
List of objectives connected to this datum.
The organization, if any, this antag is associated with
Mind that owns this datum.
Should we replace the role-banned player with a ghost?
Section of roundend report, datums with same category will be displayed together, also default header for the section.
Set to false to hide the antagonists from roundend report.
Should the owner mob get a greeting text? Determines whether or not the greet()
proc is called.
The special role that will be applied to the owner's special_role
The url page name for this antagonist, appended to the end of the wiki url in the form of: [GLOB.configuration.url.wiki_url]/index.php/[wiki_page_name]
Proc Details
Adds this datum's antag hud to antag_mob
- antag_mob - the mob to add the antag hud to.
Create and add an objective of the given type.
If the given objective type needs a target, it will try to find a target which isn't already the target of different objective for this antag. If one cannot be found, it tries one more time. If one still cannot be found, it will be added as a "Free Objective" without a target.
- objective_type - A type path of an objective, for example: /datum/objective/steal
- explanation_text - the explanation text that will be passed into the objective's
proc - mob/target_override - a target for the objective
Adds the owner to their respective gamemode's list. For example SSticker.mode.traitors |= owner
This handles the application of antag huds/special abilities.
Gives the antag mob their assigned hud. If they're a clown, removes their clumsy mutataion.
- mob/living/mob_override - a mob to apply effects to. Can be null.
Loops through the owner's antag_datums
list and determines if this one is blacklisted by any others.
If it's in one of their blacklists, return FALSE. It cannot coexist with the datum we're trying to add here.
Creates a new antagonist team.
This is the custom blurb message used on login for an antagonist.
Removes owner's dependencies on this antag datum.
For example: removal of antag datum from owner's antag_datums
, antag datum related teams etc.
If your /datum/antagonist
subtype adds more dependencies on owner
- they should be cleared there.
Displays a message to the antag mob while the datum is being deleted, i.e. "Your powers are gone and you're no longer a vampire!"
Called in on_removal()
if silent is set to FALSE.
Give the antag any final information or items.
Create and assign a full set of randomized, basic human traitor objectives. can_hijack - If you want the 5% chance for the antagonist to be able to roll hijack, only true for traitors
Create and assign a single randomized human traitor objective.
Get all of this antagonist's objectives, including from the team.
Returns the team the antagonist belongs to, if any.
Give the antagonist their objectives. Base proc, override as needed.
Displays a message and their objectives to the antag mob after the datum is added to them, i.e. "Greetings you are a traitor! etc.
Called in on_gain()
if silent it set to FALSE.
Handles adding and removing the clumsy mutation from clown antags.
- clown - the mob in which to add or remove clumsy from.
- message - the chat message to display to them the clown mob
- granting_datum - TRUE if the datum is being applied to the clown mob.
Do we have any objectives at all, including from a team. Faster than get_antag_objectives()
Checks if the person trying to receive this datum is role banned from it.
Removes antagonist datum effects from the old body and applies it to the new one.
Called in the/datum/mind/proc/transfer_to()
- new_body - the new body the antag mob is transferring into.
- old_body - the old body the antag mob is leaving.
Proc called when the datum is given to a mind.
Removes this datum's antag hud from antag_mob
- antag_mob - the mob to remove the antag hud from.
Complement to add_antag_objective that removes the objective. Currently unused.
This handles the removal of antag huds/special abilities.
Removes the antag's assigned hud. If they're a clown, gives them back their clumsy mutataion.
- mob/living/mob_override - a mob to remove effects from. Can be null.
Removes the owner from their respective gamemode's list. For example SSticker.mode.traitors -= owner
Attempts to replace the role banned antag with a ghost player.
Re-sets the antag hud and special_role
of the owner to that of the previous antag datum they had before this one was added.
For example, if the owner has a traitor datum and a vampire datum, both at index 1 and 2 respectively, After the vampire datum gets removed, it sets the owner's antag hud/role to whatever is set for traitor datum.
Selects and set the organization this antag is associated with. Base proc, override as needed