Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Component that handles drifting Manages a movement loop that actually does the legwork of moving someone Alongside dealing with the post movement input blocking required to make things look nice


delayedHave we been delayed? IE: active, but not working right this second?


InitializeAccepts three args. The direction to drift in, if the drift is instant or not, and if it's not instant, the delay on the start
stopped_pullingIf we're pulling something and stop, we want it to continue at our rate and such

Var Details


Have we been delayed? IE: active, but not working right this second?

Proc Details


Accepts three args. The direction to drift in, if the drift is instant or not, and if it's not instant, the delay on the start


If we're pulling something and stop, we want it to continue at our rate and such