Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


A component that allows players to use the item to zoom out. Mainly intended for firearms, but now works with other items too.


flagsFlags for scoping. Check code\__DEFINES\
item_action_typeif not null, an item action will be added. Redundant if the mode is ZOOM_METHOD_RIGHT_CLICK or ZOOM_METHOD_WIELD.
range_modifierHow far the view can be moved from the player. At 1, it can be moved by the player's view distance; other values scale linearly.
time_to_scopeTime to scope up, if you want the scope to take time to boot up. Used by the LWAP
trackerFullscreen object we use for tracking.
tracker_owner_ckeyThe owner of the tracker's ckey. For comparing with the current owner mob, in case the client has left it (e.g. ghosted).
zoom_methodThe method which we zoom in and out


get_targetWe find and return the best target to hit on a given turf.
stop_zoomingWe stop zooming, canceling processing, resetting stuff back to normal and deleting our tracker.
zoomWe start zooming by adding our tracker overlay and starting our processing.

Var Details


Flags for scoping. Check code\__DEFINES\


if not null, an item action will be added. Redundant if the mode is ZOOM_METHOD_RIGHT_CLICK or ZOOM_METHOD_WIELD.


How far the view can be moved from the player. At 1, it can be moved by the player's view distance; other values scale linearly.


Time to scope up, if you want the scope to take time to boot up. Used by the LWAP


Fullscreen object we use for tracking.


The owner of the tracker's ckey. For comparing with the current owner mob, in case the client has left it (e.g. ghosted).


The method which we zoom in and out

Proc Details


We find and return the best target to hit on a given turf.



We stop zooming, canceling processing, resetting stuff back to normal and deleting our tracker.



We start zooming by adding our tracker overlay and starting our processing.
