The shielded component causes the parent item to nullify a certain number of attacks against the wearer, see: shielded vests.
Vars | |
charge_add_cd | The cooldown tracking when we last replenished a charge |
charge_increment_delay | Once we go unhit long enough to recharge, we replenish charges this often. The floor is effectively 1 second, AKA how often SSdcs processes |
charge_recovery | How many charges we recover on each charge increment |
current_charges | How many charges we currently have |
lose_multiple_charges | Should the shield lose charges equal to the damage dealt by a hit? |
max_charges | How many charges we can have max, and how many we start with |
on_hit_effects | A callback for the sparks/message that play when a charge is used, see /datum/component/shielded/proc/default_run_hit_callback |
recently_hit_cd | The cooldown tracking when we were last hit |
recharge_path | The item we use for recharging |
recharge_start_delay | How long we have to avoid being hit to replenish charges. If set to 0, we never recharge lost charges |
shield | The visual effect |
shield_icon | What icon is used when someone has a functional shield up |
shield_icon_file | What .dmi we're pulling the shield icon from |
shield_inhand | Do we still shield if we're being held in-hand? If FALSE, it needs to be equipped to a slot to work |
show_charge_as_alpha | Should the shield's alpha change to show its remaining charge |
wearer | The person currently wearing us |
Procs | |
actually_run_hit_callback | The wrapper to invoke the on_hit callback, so we don't have to worry about blocking in the signal handler |
default_run_hit_callback | Default on_hit proc, since cult robes are stupid and have different descriptions/sparks |
lost_wearer | Either we've been dropped or our wearer has been QDEL'd. Either way, they're no longer our problem |
on_equipped | Check if we've been equipped to a valid slot to shield |
on_hit_react | This proc fires when we're hit, and is responsible for checking if we're charged, then deducting one + returning that we're blocking if so. It then runs the callback in /datum/component/shielded/var/on_hit_effects which handles the messages/sparks (so the visuals) |
on_update_overlays | Used to draw the shield overlay on the wearer |
Var Details
The cooldown tracking when we last replenished a charge
Once we go unhit long enough to recharge, we replenish charges this often. The floor is effectively 1 second, AKA how often SSdcs processes
How many charges we recover on each charge increment
How many charges we currently have
Should the shield lose charges equal to the damage dealt by a hit?
How many charges we can have max, and how many we start with
A callback for the sparks/message that play when a charge is used, see /datum/component/shielded/proc/default_run_hit_callback
The cooldown tracking when we were last hit
The item we use for recharging
How long we have to avoid being hit to replenish charges. If set to 0, we never recharge lost charges
The visual effect
What icon is used when someone has a functional shield up
What .dmi we're pulling the shield icon from
Do we still shield if we're being held in-hand? If FALSE, it needs to be equipped to a slot to work
Should the shield's alpha change to show its remaining charge
The person currently wearing us
Proc Details
The wrapper to invoke the on_hit callback, so we don't have to worry about blocking in the signal handler
Default on_hit proc, since cult robes are stupid and have different descriptions/sparks
Either we've been dropped or our wearer has been QDEL'd. Either way, they're no longer our problem
Check if we've been equipped to a valid slot to shield
This proc fires when we're hit, and is responsible for checking if we're charged, then deducting one + returning that we're blocking if so. It then runs the callback in /datum/component/shielded/var/on_hit_effects which handles the messages/sparks (so the visuals)
Used to draw the shield overlay on the wearer