Slip Component 
This is a component that can be applied to any movable atom (mob or obj).
While the atom has this component, any human mob that walks over it will have a chance to slip. Duration, tiles moved, and so on, depend on what variables are passed in when the component is added.
Vars | |
default_connections | what we give to connect_loc by default, makes slippable mobs moving over us slip |
description | Text that gets displayed in the slip proc, i.e. "user slips on [description]" |
horizontal_required | TRUE the player will only slip if the mob this datum is attached to is horizontal |
knockdown | The amount of knockdown to apply after slip. |
slip_always | FALSE if you want no slip shoes to make you immune to the slip |
slip_chance | The chance that walking over the parent will slip you. |
slip_tiles | The amount of tiles someone will be moved after slip. |
slip_verb | The verb that players will see when someone slips on the parent. In the form of "You [slip_verb]ped on". |
walking_is_safe | TRUE If this slip can be avoided by walking. |
Procs | |
slip | Called whenever the parent receives the ATOM_ENTERED signal. |
Var Details
what we give to connect_loc by default, makes slippable mobs moving over us slip
Text that gets displayed in the slip proc, i.e. "user slips on [description]"
TRUE the player will only slip if the mob this datum is attached to is horizontal
The amount of knockdown to apply after slip.
FALSE if you want no slip shoes to make you immune to the slip
The chance that walking over the parent will slip you.
The amount of tiles someone will be moved after slip.
The verb that players will see when someone slips on the parent. In the form of "You [slip_verb]ped on".
TRUE If this slip can be avoided by walking.
Proc Details
Called whenever the parent receives the ATOM_ENTERED
Calls the victim
's slip()
proc with the component's variables as arguments.
Additionally calls the parent's after_slip()
proc on the victim