Surgery Initiator 
Allows an item to start (or prematurely stop) a surgical operation.
Vars | |
can_cancel | If true, can be used with a cautery in the off-hand to cancel a surgery. |
can_cancel_before_first | If true, the initial step will be cancellable by just using the tool again. Should be FALSE for any tool that actually has a first surgery step. |
can_start_on_stander | If true, can start surgery on someone while they're standing up. Seeing as how we really don't support this (yet), it's much nicer to selectively enable this if we want it. |
forced_surgery | If present, this surgery TYPE will be attempted when the item is used. Useful for things like limb reattachments that don't need a scalpel. |
germ_prevention_quality | How effective this is at preventing infections. 0 = preventing nothing, 1 = preventing any infection |
surgery_start_sound | The sound to play when starting surgeries |
valid_starting_types | Bitfield for the types of surgeries that this can start. Note that in cases where organs are missing, this will be ignored. Also, note that for anything sharp, SURGERY_INITIATOR_ORGANIC should be set as well. |
Procs | |
Initialize | Create a new surgery initiating component. |
attempt_cancel_surgery | Does the surgery de-initiation. |
do_initiate_surgery_moment | Meat and potatoes of starting surgery. |
initiate_surgery_moment | Does the surgery initiation. |
on_parent_sharpness_change | Keep tabs on the attached item's sharpness. This component gets added in atoms when they're made sharp as well. |
show_starting_message | Handle to allow for easily overriding the message shown |
Var Details
If true, can be used with a cautery in the off-hand to cancel a surgery.
If true, the initial step will be cancellable by just using the tool again. Should be FALSE for any tool that actually has a first surgery step.
If true, can start surgery on someone while they're standing up. Seeing as how we really don't support this (yet), it's much nicer to selectively enable this if we want it.
If present, this surgery TYPE will be attempted when the item is used. Useful for things like limb reattachments that don't need a scalpel.
How effective this is at preventing infections. 0 = preventing nothing, 1 = preventing any infection
The sound to play when starting surgeries
Bitfield for the types of surgeries that this can start. Note that in cases where organs are missing, this will be ignored. Also, note that for anything sharp, SURGERY_INITIATOR_ORGANIC should be set as well.
Proc Details
Create a new surgery initiating component.
- forced_surgery - (optional) the surgery that will be started when the parent is used on a mob.
Does the surgery de-initiation.
Meat and potatoes of starting surgery.
Does the surgery initiation.
Keep tabs on the attached item's sharpness. This component gets added in atoms when they're made sharp as well.
Handle to allow for easily overriding the message shown