Vars | |
account_counter | Total amount of account created during the round, neccesary for generating unique account ids |
cargo_account | ///CARGO VARIABLES///// the department account tethered to this supply console, we keep a ref here for shuttle operations |
centcom_message | Remarks from Centcom on how well you checked the last order. |
credits_per_design | credits gained per research design sold |
credits_per_easy_reagent_goal | credits gained for each secondary goal completed These get split in 3, one part for Cargo, one for the department, and one part for the person who requested the goal. |
credits_per_intel | credits gained per intel sold |
credits_per_manifest | credits gained per slip returned |
credits_per_mech | credits gained per working mech sold |
credits_per_plasma | credits gained per plasma sold |
credits_per_salvage | points gained per salvage sold |
credits_per_virology_goal | points gained per virology goal |
current_10_minute_spending | amount of money spent in this 15 minute slot during the round |
delivery_list | Crates that will be on next shuttle |
discovered_plants | Typepaths for unusual plants we've already sent CentComm, associated with their potencies |
economy_data | list of vars that will be tracked throughout the round (a new entry for each key list will be added every 15 minutes) |
fine_for_loose_cargo | credits lost for sending unsecured cargo |
fine_for_messy_shuttle | credits lost for sending a messy shuttle |
fine_for_selling_trash | credits lost for sending unwanted items |
money_account_databases | List of all money account databases existing in the round |
next_data_check | time to next stats check |
next_mail_delay | Time until the next mail shipment |
next_paycheck_delay | ///Paycheck Variables///// time to next payday |
ordernum | Current Order number |
pack_price_modifier | The modifier on crate prices to multiple the price by. |
payday_count | total paydays this round |
request_list | Requested crates, waiting for approval by department heads |
shopping_list | Approved Crates, waiting to be delivered |
space_credits_created | The amount of space credits that have been created out of thin air, does not include credits created at round-start |
space_credits_destroyed | The amount of space credits that have been irreversibly deleted/removed from the round |
supply_packs | Full list of all available supply packs to purchase |
total_credit_transfers | The amount of transfers (that are worth more than a few credits) that have been accepted during the round |
total_space_cash | The absolute total amount of space cash (not to be confused with credits) in the round, does not count space credits in money accounts |
total_space_credits | The absolute total amount of space credits in various economy systems, does not count space cash |
total_vendor_transactions | the amount of venor purchases during the round |
Procs | |
generate_supply_order | Supply Stuff |
payday | Paycheck Stuff |
Var Details
Total amount of account created during the round, neccesary for generating unique account ids
///CARGO VARIABLES///// the department account tethered to this supply console, we keep a ref here for shuttle operations
Remarks from Centcom on how well you checked the last order.
credits gained per research design sold
credits gained for each secondary goal completed These get split in 3, one part for Cargo, one for the department, and one part for the person who requested the goal.
credits gained per intel sold
credits gained per slip returned
credits gained per working mech sold
credits gained per plasma sold
points gained per salvage sold
points gained per virology goal
amount of money spent in this 15 minute slot during the round
Crates that will be on next shuttle
Typepaths for unusual plants we've already sent CentComm, associated with their potencies
list of vars that will be tracked throughout the round (a new entry for each key list will be added every 15 minutes)
credits lost for sending unsecured cargo
credits lost for sending a messy shuttle
credits lost for sending unwanted items
List of all money account databases existing in the round
time to next stats check
Time until the next mail shipment
///Paycheck Variables///// time to next payday
Current Order number
The modifier on crate prices to multiple the price by.
total paydays this round
Requested crates, waiting for approval by department heads
Approved Crates, waiting to be delivered
The amount of space credits that have been created out of thin air, does not include credits created at round-start
The amount of space credits that have been irreversibly deleted/removed from the round
Full list of all available supply packs to purchase
The amount of transfers (that are worth more than a few credits) that have been accepted during the round
The absolute total amount of space cash (not to be confused with credits) in the round, does not count space credits in money accounts
The absolute total amount of space credits in various economy systems, does not count space cash
the amount of venor purchases during the round
Proc Details
Supply Stuff
Paycheck Stuff