Vars | |
drunken_spawning | Do we spawn people drunkenly due to the party last night? |
failed_head_antag_roll | A list of minds that have failed to roll antagonist. Cleared when job selection finishes. |
late_arrivals_spawning | Do we spawn everyone at shuttle due to late arivals? |
station_departments | list of station departments and their associated roles and economy payments |
Procs | |
CheckHeadPositions | This proc is called at the start of the level loop of DivideOccupations() and will cause head jobs to be checked before any other jobs of the same level |
DivideOccupations | Proc DivideOccupations fills var "assigned_role" for all ready players. This proc must not have any side effect besides of modifying "assigned_role". |
FillHeadPosition | This proc is called before the level loop of DivideOccupations() and will try to select a head, ignoring ALL non-head preferences for every level until it locates a head or runs out of levels to check |
Var Details
Do we spawn people drunkenly due to the party last night?
A list of minds that have failed to roll antagonist. Cleared when job selection finishes.
Do we spawn everyone at shuttle due to late arivals?
list of station departments and their associated roles and economy payments
Proc Details
This proc is called at the start of the level loop of DivideOccupations() and will cause head jobs to be checked before any other jobs of the same level
Proc DivideOccupations fills var "assigned_role" for all ready players. This proc must not have any side effect besides of modifying "assigned_role".
This proc is called before the level loop of DivideOccupations() and will try to select a head, ignoring ALL non-head preferences for every level until it locates a head or runs out of levels to check