Vars | |
caves_theme | What primary cave theme we have picked for cave generation today. |
environments | A mapping of environment names to MILLA environment IDs. |
existing_station_areas | List of areas that exist on the station this shift |
ghostteleportlocs | List of all areas that can be accessed via IC and OOC means |
last_map | What map was used last round? |
lavaland_ruins_placer | Ruin placement manager for lavaland levels. |
lavaland_theme | What do we have as the lavaland theme today? |
lists_to_reserve | List of lists of turfs to reserve |
map_datum | What map datum are we using |
next_map | What map will be used next round |
space_ruins_placer | Ruin placement manager for space levels. |
teleportlocs | List of all areas that can be accessed via IC means |
Procs | |
initialize_reserved_level | Sets up a z level as reserved This is not for wiping reserved levels, use wipe_reservations() for that. If this is called after SSatom init, it will call Initialize on all turfs on the passed z, as its name promises |
lazy_load_template | Lazy loads a template on a lazy-loaded z-level. |
request_turf_block_reservation | Requests a /datum/turf_reservation based on the given width, height. |
unreserve_turfs | Schedules a group of turfs to be handed back to the reservation system's control |
Var Details
What primary cave theme we have picked for cave generation today.
A mapping of environment names to MILLA environment IDs.
List of areas that exist on the station this shift
List of all areas that can be accessed via IC and OOC means
What map was used last round?
Ruin placement manager for lavaland levels.
What do we have as the lavaland theme today?
List of lists of turfs to reserve
What map datum are we using
What map will be used next round
Ruin placement manager for space levels.
List of all areas that can be accessed via IC means
Proc Details
Sets up a z level as reserved This is not for wiping reserved levels, use wipe_reservations() for that. If this is called after SSatom init, it will call Initialize on all turfs on the passed z, as its name promises
Lazy loads a template on a lazy-loaded z-level.
Requests a /datum/turf_reservation based on the given width, height.
Schedules a group of turfs to be handed back to the reservation system's control