Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



custom_escape_shuttle_loadingWhether or not a custom shuttle is currently loading at centcomm.
custom_shuttle_orderedWhether or not a custom shuttle has been ordered.
emergency_locked_inHave we locked in the emergency shuttle, to prevent people from breaking things / wasting player money?
hostile_environmentsThings blocking escape shuttle from leaving.
loading_shuttle_at_preview_templateWhether or not a shuttle is currently being loaded at the template landmark, if it exists.
mobile_docking_portsA list of all the mobile docking ports.
refuel_delayDefault refuel delay
stationary_docking_portsA list of all the stationary docking ports.
supply_shuttle_turfsSupply shuttle turfs to make mail be put down faster
transit_docking_portsA list of all the transit docking ports.
transit_request_failuresAn associative list of the mobile docking ports that have failed a transit request, with the amount of times they've actually failed that transit request, up to MAX_TRANSIT_REQUEST_RETRIES
transit_requestersA list of all the mobile docking ports currently requesting a spot in hyperspace.
transit_utilizedHow many turfs our shuttles are currently utilizing in reservation space


replace_shuttleCreate a new shuttle and replace the emergency shuttle with it. if loaded shuttle is passed in, a new one will not be loaded.
transit_space_clearingGotta manage our space brother

Var Details


Whether or not a custom shuttle is currently loading at centcomm.


Whether or not a custom shuttle has been ordered.


Have we locked in the emergency shuttle, to prevent people from breaking things / wasting player money?


Things blocking escape shuttle from leaving.


Whether or not a shuttle is currently being loaded at the template landmark, if it exists.


A list of all the mobile docking ports.


Default refuel delay


A list of all the stationary docking ports.


Supply shuttle turfs to make mail be put down faster


A list of all the transit docking ports.


An associative list of the mobile docking ports that have failed a transit request, with the amount of times they've actually failed that transit request, up to MAX_TRANSIT_REQUEST_RETRIES


A list of all the mobile docking ports currently requesting a spot in hyperspace.


How many turfs our shuttles are currently utilizing in reservation space

Proc Details


Create a new shuttle and replace the emergency shuttle with it. if loaded shuttle is passed in, a new one will not be loaded.


Gotta manage our space brother