Vars | |
channel_list | List of all channels as numbers |
channel_random_low | lower iteration position - Incremented and looped to get "random" sound channels for normal sounds. The channel at this index is returned when asking for a random channel. |
channel_reserve_high | higher reserve position - decremented and incremented to reserve sound channels, anything above this is reserved. The channel at this index is the highest unreserved channel. |
random_channels_min | Amount of channels to reserve for random usage rather than reservations being allowed to reserve all channels. Also a nice safeguard for when someone screws up. |
reserved_channels | Associative list of all reserved channels associated to their position. "[channel_number]" = index as number |
using_channels | Assoc list, "[channel]" = either the datum using it or TRUE for an unsafe-reserved (datumless reservation) channel |
using_channels_by_datum | Assoc list datum = list(channel1, channel2, ...) for what channels something reserved. |
Procs | |
available_channels_left | How many channels we have left |
free_channel | Frees a channel and updates the datastructure. Private proc. |
free_datum_channels | Frees all the channels a datum is using |
free_datumless_channels | Frees all datumless channels |
free_sound_channel | Removes a channel from using list |
random_available_channel | Random available channel, returns number |
random_available_channel_text | Random available channel, returns text |
reserve_channel | Reserves a channel and updates the datastructure. Private proc. |
reserve_sound_channel | Reserves a channel for a datum. Automatic cleanup only when the datum is deleted. |
reserve_sound_channel_datumless | NO AUTOMATIC CLEANUP - If you use this, you better manually free it later! |
setup_available_channels | Sets up all available sound channels |
Var Details
List of all channels as numbers
lower iteration position - Incremented and looped to get "random" sound channels for normal sounds. The channel at this index is returned when asking for a random channel.
higher reserve position - decremented and incremented to reserve sound channels, anything above this is reserved. The channel at this index is the highest unreserved channel.
Amount of channels to reserve for random usage rather than reservations being allowed to reserve all channels. Also a nice safeguard for when someone screws up.
Associative list of all reserved channels associated to their position. "[channel_number]" = index as number
Assoc list, "[channel]" = either the datum using it or TRUE for an unsafe-reserved (datumless reservation) channel
Assoc list datum = list(channel1, channel2, ...) for what channels something reserved.
Proc Details
How many channels we have left
Frees a channel and updates the datastructure. Private proc.
Frees all the channels a datum is using
- D - The datum
Frees all datumless channels
Removes a channel from using list
- channel - The channel number
Random available channel, returns number
Random available channel, returns text
Reserves a channel and updates the datastructure. Private proc.
Reserves a channel for a datum. Automatic cleanup only when the datum is deleted.
Returns an integer for channel Arguments:
- D - The datum
NO AUTOMATIC CLEANUP - If you use this, you better manually free it later!
Returns an integer for channel
Sets up all available sound channels