Vars | |
cult_actions | action group for cult spell actions |
floating_actions | A list of action buttons which aren't owned by any action group, and are just floating somewhere on the hud. |
hotkey_ui_hidden | This is to hide the buttons that can be used via hotkeys. (hotkeybuttons list of buttons) |
hotkeybuttons | the buttons that can be used via hotkeys |
hud_shown | Used for the HUD toggle (F12) |
hud_version | Current displayed version of the HUD |
inv_slots | atom/movable/screen/inventory objects, ordered by their slot ID. |
inventory_shown | Whether or not their toggleable inventory (generally their contents on the left) is expanded |
listed_actions | action group for expanded actions, the normal action set |
palette_actions | the groups of actions, such as palette (previously normal) actions |
plane_master_controllers | Assoc list of controller groups, associated with key string group name with value of the plane master controller ref |
screentip_text | UI for screentips that appear when you mouse over things |
toggleable_inventory | the screen objects which can be hidden (your human items on the left) |
Procs | |
build_action_groups | Generates and fills new action groups with our mob's current actions |
generate_landings | Generates visual landings for all groups that the button is not a memeber of |
get_action_buttons_icons | This is a silly proc used in hud code code to determine what icon and icon state we should be using for hud elements (such as action buttons) that don't have their own icon and icon state set. |
hide_action | Removes the passed in action from its current position on the screen |
hide_landings | Clears all currently visible landings |
show_hud | Shows this hud's hud to some mob |
view_audit_buttons | Ensures all of our buttons are properly within the bounds of our client's view, moves them if they're not |
Var Details
action group for cult spell actions
A list of action buttons which aren't owned by any action group, and are just floating somewhere on the hud.
This is to hide the buttons that can be used via hotkeys. (hotkeybuttons list of buttons)
the buttons that can be used via hotkeys
Used for the HUD toggle (F12)
Current displayed version of the HUD
atom/movable/screen/inventory objects, ordered by their slot ID.
Whether or not their toggleable inventory (generally their contents on the left) is expanded
action group for expanded actions, the normal action set
the groups of actions, such as palette (previously normal) actions
Assoc list of controller groups, associated with key string group name with value of the plane master controller ref
UI for screentips that appear when you mouse over things
the screen objects which can be hidden (your human items on the left)
Proc Details
Generates and fills new action groups with our mob's current actions
Generates visual landings for all groups that the button is not a memeber of
This is a silly proc used in hud code code to determine what icon and icon state we should be using for hud elements (such as action buttons) that don't have their own icon and icon state set.
It returns a list, which is pretty much just a struct of info
Removes the passed in action from its current position on the screen
Clears all currently visible landings
Shows this hud's hud to some mob
- version - denotes which style should be displayed. blank or 0 means "next version"
- viewmob - what mob to show the hud to. Can be this hud's mob, can be another mob, can be null (will use this hud's mob if so)
Ensures all of our buttons are properly within the bounds of our client's view, moves them if they're not