Manages all power related mechanics for a single /area Machines in areas will directly register to this datum in order to receive power
Machine/Turf/Item -> Local Powernet -> APC -> Terminal -> Wirenet
Non-machines cannot register to the local powernet and should instead listen for power change signals
Vars | |
active_consumption | The amount of total power consumed consumed in only this cycle |
environment_consumption | The amount of power consumed by environment in this power cycle |
environment_powered | Is the environment power channel on? |
equipment_consumption | The amount of power consumed by equipment in this power cycle |
equipment_powered | Is the equipment power channel on? |
lighting_consumption | The amount of power consumed by lighting in this power cycle |
lighting_powered | Is the lighting power channel on? |
passive_environment_consumption | The amount of power consumed by environment in every power cycle |
passive_equipment_consumption | The amount of power consumed by equipment in every power cycle |
passive_lighting_consumption | The amount of power consumed by lighting in every power cycle |
power_flags | Bit Flags indicating special behaviour on this powernet, always powered, never powered, etc |
powernet_apc | The APC associated with this powernet |
powernet_area | The area this local powernet is attached to |
registered_machines | All machines registered to this local powernet, strictly typed to machines, everything else needs to register power change signals |
Procs | |
adjust_static_power | Adjust static power for a specified channel, does not check to see if channel has power flowing into it |
get_channel_usage | returns active + passive power of a channel, if the channel is not powered it returns 0 watts |
get_total_usage | Returns the local powernets total power usage between all three of its channels, only includes usage on currently powered channels |
handle_flicker | Handles flicker operations for apc processing, will flicker machines and lights in the powernet's area by random chance |
has_power | checks to see if the given channel in this local powernet has power |
power_change | |
register_machine | tethers a machine to this local powernet |
set_power_channel | sets a power channel on or off and adjusts total power usage accordingly |
unregister_machine | untethers a machine to this local powernet |
use_active_power | Add active power usage to the given channel, returns FALSE is channel cannot be found or the channel does not have power to give |
Var Details
The amount of total power consumed consumed in only this cycle
The amount of power consumed by environment in this power cycle
Is the environment power channel on?
The amount of power consumed by equipment in this power cycle
Is the equipment power channel on?
The amount of power consumed by lighting in this power cycle
Is the lighting power channel on?
The amount of power consumed by environment in every power cycle
The amount of power consumed by equipment in every power cycle
The amount of power consumed by lighting in every power cycle
Bit Flags indicating special behaviour on this powernet, always powered, never powered, etc
The APC associated with this powernet
The area this local powernet is attached to
All machines registered to this local powernet, strictly typed to machines, everything else needs to register power change signals
Proc Details
Adjust static power for a specified channel, does not check to see if channel has power flowing into it
returns active + passive power of a channel, if the channel is not powered it returns 0 watts
Returns the local powernets total power usage between all three of its channels, only includes usage on currently powered channels
Handles flicker operations for apc processing, will flicker machines and lights in the powernet's area by random chance
checks to see if the given channel in this local powernet has power
Called when the area power status changes
calls power change on all machines in the area, and sends the COMSIG_POWERNET_POWER_CHANGE
tethers a machine to this local powernet
sets a power channel on or off and adjusts total power usage accordingly
untethers a machine to this local powernet
Add active power usage to the given channel, returns FALSE is channel cannot be found or the channel does not have power to give