Acts as a namespace for movement packet/type related procs
Exists to provide an in code implementation of movement looping Replaces things like walk() or walk_to(), among others
Because we're doing things in engine, we have a lot more control over how different operations are performed We also get more say in when things happen, so we can subject movements to the whims of the master controller Rather then using a fuck ton of cpu just moving mobs or meteors
The goal is to keep the loops themselves reasonably barebone, and implement more advanced behavior and control via the signals
This may be bypassed in cases where snowflakes are nessesary, or where performance is important. S not a hard and fast thing
Every atom can have a movement packet, which contains information and behavior about currently active loops, and queuing info Loops control how movement actually happens. So there's a "move in this direction" loop, a "move randomly" loop
You can find the logic for this control in this file
Specifics of how different loops operate can be found in the file, alongside the add to loop helper procs that use them
Procs | |
add_to_loop | Adds a movable thing to a movement subsystem. Returns TRUE if it all worked, FALSE if it failed somehow |
force_move | Used for force-move loops, similar to move_towards_legacy() but not quite the same |
force_move_dir | Like move(), but we don't care about collision at all |
freeze | Assigns a target to a move loop that immediately freezes for a set duration of time. |
home_onto | Helper proc for homing onto something with move_towards |
jps_move | Used for following jps defined paths. The proc signature here's a bit long, I'm sorry |
move | Replacement for walk() |
move_away | Wrapper around GLOB.move_manager.move_away() |
move_rand | Helper proc for the move_rand datum |
move_to | Wrapper around walk_to() |
move_to_rand | Wrapper around walk_rand(), doesn't actually result in a random walk, it's more like moving to random places in viewish |
move_towards | Helper proc for the move_towards datum |
move_towards_legacy | Wrapper for GLOB.move_manager.home_onto, not reccomended, as its movement ends up being a bit stilted |
processing_on | Returns the subsystem's loop if we're processing on it, null otherwise |
stop_looping | Removes the atom from some movement subsystem. Defaults to SSmovement |
Proc Details
Adds a movable thing to a movement subsystem. Returns TRUE if it all worked, FALSE if it failed somehow
Used for force-move loops, similar to move_towards_legacy() but not quite the same
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move chasing - The atom we want to move towards delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Like move(), but we don't care about collision at all
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move direction - The direction we want to move in delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Assigns a target to a move loop that immediately freezes for a set duration of time.
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move halted_turf - The turf we want to freeze on. This should typically be the loc of moving. delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. This should be considered extremely non-optional as it will completely stun out the movement loop forever if unset. subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Helper proc for homing onto something with move_towards
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move chasing - The atom we want to move towards delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 home - Should we move towards the object at all times? Or launch towards them, but allow walls and such to take us off track. Defaults to FALSE timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to INFINITY subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Used for following jps defined paths. The proc signature here's a bit long, I'm sorry
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move chasing - The atom we want to move towards delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 repath_delay - How often we're allowed to recalculate our path max_path_length - The maximum number of steps we can take in a given path to search (default: 30, 0 = infinite) miminum_distance - Minimum distance to the target before path returns, could be used to get near a target, but not right to it - for an AI mob with a gun, for example access - A list representing what access we have and what doors we can open simulated_only - Whether we consider turfs without atmos simulation (AKA do we want to ignore space) avoid - If we want to avoid a specific turf, like if we're a mulebot who already got blocked by some turf skip_first - Whether or not to delete the first item in the path. This would be done because the first item is the starting tile, which can break things timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Replacement for walk()
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move direction - The direction we want to move in delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Wrapper around GLOB.move_manager.move_away()
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move chasing - The atom we want to move towards max_dist - the furthest away from the target we're allowed to get delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Helper proc for the move_rand datum
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move directions - A list of acceptable directions to try and move in. Defaults to GLOB.alldirs delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Wrapper around walk_to()
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move chasing - The atom we want to move towards min_dist - the closest we're allower to get to the target delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Wrapper around walk_rand(), doesn't actually result in a random walk, it's more like moving to random places in viewish
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Helper proc for the move_towards datum
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move chasing - The atom we want to move towards delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 home - Should we move towards the object at all times? Or launch towards them, but allow walls and such to take us off track. Defaults to FALSE timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to INFINITY subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Wrapper for GLOB.move_manager.home_onto, not reccomended, as its movement ends up being a bit stilted
Returns TRUE if the loop sucessfully started, or FALSE if it failed
Arguments: moving - The atom we want to move chasing - The atom we want to move towards delay - How many deci-seconds to wait between fires. Defaults to the lowest value, 0.1 timeout - Time in deci-seconds until the moveloop self expires. Defaults to infinity subsystem - The movement subsystem to use. Defaults to SSmovement. Only one loop can exist for any one subsystem priority - Defines how different move loops override each other. Lower numbers beat higher numbers, equal defaults to what currently exists. Defaults to MOVEMENT_DEFAULT_PRIORITY flags - Set of bitflags that effect move loop behavior in some way. Check _DEFINES/
Returns the subsystem's loop if we're processing on it, null otherwise
Removes the atom from some movement subsystem. Defaults to SSmovement