Vars | |
addiction_decay_rate | how quickly the addiction threshold var decays |
allowed_overdose_process | If this variable is true, chemicals will continue to process in mobs when overdosed. |
burn_color | If we burn in a fire, what color do we have? |
burn_duration | How long would a fire burn using this reagent? Currently only used for chemical flamethrowers |
burn_temperature | At what temperature does this reagent burn? Currently only used for chemical flamethrowers |
color | The color of the agent outside of containers. |
fire_stack_applications | How many firestacks will the reagent apply when it is burning? Currently only used for chemical flamethrowers |
holder | A reference to the holder the chemical is 'in'. |
Procs | |
reaction_mob | React with a mob. |
reaction_obj | React with an object. |
reaction_turf | React with a turf. |
Var Details
how quickly the addiction threshold var decays
If this variable is true, chemicals will continue to process in mobs when overdosed.
If we burn in a fire, what color do we have?
How long would a fire burn using this reagent? Currently only used for chemical flamethrowers
At what temperature does this reagent burn? Currently only used for chemical flamethrowers
The color of the agent outside of containers.
How many firestacks will the reagent apply when it is burning? Currently only used for chemical flamethrowers
A reference to the holder the chemical is 'in'.
Proc Details
React with a mob.
The method var can be either REAGENT_TOUCH
. Some
reagents transfer on touch, others don't; dependent on if they penetrate the
skin or not. You'll want to put stuff like acid-facemelting in here. Should
only ever be called, directly, on living mobs.
React with an object.
React with a turf.
You'll want to put stuff like extra slippery floors for lube or something in here.