Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details


These are gamemode rulesets for the dynamic gamemode type. They determine what antagonists spawn during a round.


antag_amountHow many antagonists to spawn
antag_costThe cost to roll an antagonist of this ruleset
antag_weightThe weight to roll an antagonist of this ruleset
antagonist_typeAntagonist datum to apply to users
assign_job_roleApplies the mind roll to assigned_role, preventing them from rolling a normal job. Good for wizards and nuclear operatives.
banned_jobsThese roles 100% cannot be this antagonist
banned_mutual_rulesetsRulesets that cannot be rolled while this ruleset is active. Used to prevent traitors from rolling while theres cultists, etc.
banned_speciesA blacklist of species names that cannot play this antagonist
banned_species_onlyIf true, the species blacklist is now a species whitelist
implied_ruleset_typeA ruleset to be added when this ruleset is selected by the gamemode
latespawn_timeIf non-zero, how long from the start of the game should a latespawn for this role occur?
nameWhat this ruleset is called
pre_antagsAll of the minds that we will make into our antagonist type
protected_jobsThese roles can't be antagonists because mindshielding or are command staff (this can be disabled via config)
ruleset_costThe cost to roll this ruleset
ruleset_weightThe weight to roll this ruleset

Var Details


How many antagonists to spawn


The cost to roll an antagonist of this ruleset


The weight to roll an antagonist of this ruleset


Antagonist datum to apply to users


Applies the mind roll to assigned_role, preventing them from rolling a normal job. Good for wizards and nuclear operatives.


These roles 100% cannot be this antagonist


Rulesets that cannot be rolled while this ruleset is active. Used to prevent traitors from rolling while theres cultists, etc.


A blacklist of species names that cannot play this antagonist


If true, the species blacklist is now a species whitelist


A ruleset to be added when this ruleset is selected by the gamemode


If non-zero, how long from the start of the game should a latespawn for this role occur?


What this ruleset is called


All of the minds that we will make into our antagonist type


These roles can't be antagonists because mindshielding or are command staff (this can be disabled via config)


The cost to roll this ruleset


The weight to roll this ruleset