Vars | |
allowed_species_subtypes | List of available sub-types for the species to imitate / morph into (Machine / Slime) |
armor | Additional armour value for the species. |
article_override | Article to use when referring to an individual of the species, if pronunciation is different from expected. Because it's unathi's turn to be special snowflakes. |
default_bodyacc | Name of default body accessory if any. |
has_organ | Determines the organs that the species spawns with and which required-organ checks are conducted. |
inherent_biotypes | bitfield of biotypes the mob belongs to. |
inherent_traits | Generic traits tied to having the species. |
max_age | Maximum age this species can have |
min_age | Minimum age this species can have |
name | Species name |
name_plural | Pluralized name (since "[name]s" is not always valid) |
optional_body_accessory | Whether the presence of a body accessory on this species is optional or not. |
plushie_type | What plushie the species will turn into if turned into a plushie. |
special_step_sounds | Sounds to override barefeet walking |
species_subtype | Sub-type of the species. Used for when slimes imitate a species or when an IPC has augments that look like another species. This will affect sprite_sheet_name |
sprite_sheet_name | The corresponding key for spritesheets |
tail | Name of tail image in species effects icon file. |
wing | like tail but wings |
Procs | |
can_be_legion_infested | Is this species able to be legion infested? |
create_organs | Handles creation of mob organs. |
updatespeciessubtype |
Var Details
List of available sub-types for the species to imitate / morph into (Machine / Slime)
Additional armour value for the species.
Article to use when referring to an individual of the species, if pronunciation is different from expected. Because it's unathi's turn to be special snowflakes.
Name of default body accessory if any.
Determines the organs that the species spawns with and which required-organ checks are conducted.
bitfield of biotypes the mob belongs to.
Generic traits tied to having the species.
Maximum age this species can have
Minimum age this species can have
Species name
Pluralized name (since "[name]s" is not always valid)
Whether the presence of a body accessory on this species is optional or not.
What plushie the species will turn into if turned into a plushie.
Sounds to override barefeet walking
Sub-type of the species. Used for when slimes imitate a species or when an IPC has augments that look like another species. This will affect sprite_sheet_name
The corresponding key for spritesheets
Name of tail image in species effects icon file.
like tail but wings
Proc Details
Is this species able to be legion infested?
Handles creation of mob organs.
- H: The human to create organs inside of
- bodyparts_to_omit: Any bodyparts in this list (and organs within them) should not be added.
- Handles changing icobase for species that can imitate/morph into other species
- Arguments:
- H: The human of which was are updating.
- new_subtype: Our imitate species, by datum reference.
- owner_sensitive: Always leave at TRUE, this is for updating our icon. (change_icobase)
- reset_styles: If true, resets styles, hair, and other appearance styles.
- forced: If true, will set the subspecies type even if it is the same as the current species.