Vars | |
antimagic_flags | This determines what type of antimagic is needed to block the spell. (MAGIC_RESISTANCE, MAGIC_RESISTANCE_MIND, MAGIC_RESISTANCE_HOLY) If SPELL_REQUIRES_NO_ANTIMAGIC is set in Spell requirements, The spell cannot be cast if the caster has any of the antimagic flags set. |
base_cooldown | recharge time in deciseconds |
cooldown_handler | handles a given spells cooldowns. tracks the time until its off cooldown, |
create_attack_logs | does this spell generate attack logs? |
create_custom_logs | If this spell creates custom logs using the write_custom_logs() proc. Will ignore create_attack_logs |
custom_handler | Which spell_handler is used in addition to the normal spells behaviour, can be null. Set this in create_new_handler if needed |
holy_area_cancast | Whether or not the spell functions in a holy place |
selection_activated_message | The message displayed when a click based spell gets activated |
selection_deactivated_message | The message displayed when a click based spell gets deactivated |
smoke_type | Determines if the spell has smoke, and if so what effect the smoke has. See spell defines. |
spell_handlers | List with the handler datums per spell type. Key = src.type, value = the handler datum created by create_new_handler() |
spell_requirements | Flag for certain states that the spell requires the user be in to cast. |
targeting | Which targeting system is used. Set this in create_new_targeting |
targeting_datums | List with the targeting datums per spell type. Key = src.type, value = the targeting datum created by create_new_targeting() |
Procs | |
cast | The proc where the actual spell gets cast. |
choose_targets | Will try to choose targets using the targeting variable and perform the spell if it can Do not override this! Override create_new_targeting instead |
create_new_cooldown | Creates and returns the spells cooldown handler, defaults to the standard recharge handler. Override this if you wish to use a different method of cooldown |
create_new_handler | Creates and returns the handler datum for this spell type. Override this if you want a custom spell handler. Should return a value of type /datum/spell_handler or NONE |
create_new_targeting | Creates and returns the targeting datum for this spell type. Override this! Should return a value of type /datum/spell_targeting |
on_mind_transfer | This proc is ran when a mind is transfered to a new mob. Tells it if the action should be transfered on return true, and tells it not to remove it on false |
on_purchase_upgrade | Lets the spell have a special effect applied to it when upgraded. By default, does nothing. |
perform | Handles all the code for performing a spell once the targets are known |
should_remove_click_intercept | Called in try_perform before removing the click interceptor. useful to override if you have a spell that requires more than 1 click |
spend_spell_cost | Will spend the cost of using this spell once. Will update the action button's icon if there is any |
try_perform | Will try and perform the spell using the given targets and user. Will spend one charge of the spell |
valid_target | Allows for spell specific target validation. Will be used by the spell_targeting datums |
write_custom_logs | Will write additional logs if create_custom_logs is TRUE and the caster has a ckey. Override this |
Var Details
This determines what type of antimagic is needed to block the spell. (MAGIC_RESISTANCE, MAGIC_RESISTANCE_MIND, MAGIC_RESISTANCE_HOLY) If SPELL_REQUIRES_NO_ANTIMAGIC is set in Spell requirements, The spell cannot be cast if the caster has any of the antimagic flags set.
recharge time in deciseconds
handles a given spells cooldowns. tracks the time until its off cooldown,
does this spell generate attack logs?
If this spell creates custom logs using the write_custom_logs() proc. Will ignore create_attack_logs
Which spell_handler is used in addition to the normal spells behaviour, can be null. Set this in create_new_handler if needed
Whether or not the spell functions in a holy place
The message displayed when a click based spell gets activated
The message displayed when a click based spell gets deactivated
Determines if the spell has smoke, and if so what effect the smoke has. See spell defines.
List with the handler datums per spell type. Key = src.type, value = the handler datum created by create_new_handler()
Flag for certain states that the spell requires the user be in to cast.
Which targeting system is used. Set this in create_new_targeting
List with the targeting datums per spell type. Key = src.type, value = the targeting datum created by create_new_targeting()
Proc Details
The proc where the actual spell gets cast.
- targets - The targets being targeted by the spell
- user - The caster of the spell
Will try to choose targets using the targeting variable and perform the spell if it can Do not override this! Override create_new_targeting instead
- user - The caster of the spell
Creates and returns the spells cooldown handler, defaults to the standard recharge handler. Override this if you wish to use a different method of cooldown
Creates and returns the handler datum for this spell type. Override this if you want a custom spell handler. Should return a value of type /datum/spell_handler or NONE
Creates and returns the targeting datum for this spell type. Override this! Should return a value of type /datum/spell_targeting
This proc is ran when a mind is transfered to a new mob. Tells it if the action should be transfered on return true, and tells it not to remove it on false
Lets the spell have a special effect applied to it when upgraded. By default, does nothing.
Handles all the code for performing a spell once the targets are known
- targets - The list of targets the spell is being cast on. Will not be empty or null
- recharge - Whether or not the spell should go recharge
- user - The caster of the spell
Called in try_perform
before removing the click interceptor. useful to override if you have a spell that requires more than 1 click
Will spend the cost of using this spell once. Will update the action button's icon if there is any
- user - Who used this spell?
Will try and perform the spell using the given targets and user. Will spend one charge of the spell
- targets - The targets the spell is being performed on
- user - The caster of the spell
Allows for spell specific target validation. Will be used by the spell_targeting datums
- target - Who is being considered
- user - Who is the user of this spell
Will write additional logs if create_custom_logs is TRUE and the caster has a ckey. Override this
- targets - The targets being targeted by the spell
- user - The user of the spell