Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



accessIf the container is lockable, the access to require for it.
amountThe number of crates that get generated by this pack.
announce_beaconsParticular beacons that we'll notify the relevant department when we reach
are_you_sure_you_want_to_be_bannedIf this variable is filled, this grants the user a special TGUI confirmation prompt about ordering this shuttle, before they can place the order. Similar to bag of holding.
cmag_hiddenIf TRUE, this pack is only visible on a cmagged supply console.
containernameThe name to give the container itself.
containertypeThe type of container that the contents will arrive in.
containsOBJ: What is inside the crate
contains_specialSTRING: What is inside the crate
contrabandIf TRUE, this pack is only visible on a hacked supply console.
costThe cost of this pack.
department_restrictionsDetermines which departments do not need QM approval to order this supply pack
groupThe pack group this should appear in.
hiddenIf TRUE, this pack is only visible on an emagged supply console.
manifestThe manifest contents for this order.
nameThe name of this supply pack.
order_typePath of the type of order that should be generated from this order
singletonIf true, this pack can only be ordered in units of 1.
singleton_group_idIdentifier indicating the specific "set" of singletons that this belongs to. Only one item in this set can be in the shopping cart at once.
specialA special pack that should not appear unless certain circumstances are fulfilled (event, station goals, admin packs)
special_enabledIf this pack is special, whether it should be visible or not.
ui_manifestList of names for being done in TGUI


can_orderDefine a special condition as to whether or not this crate can currently be ordered.
create_orderCreate a supply order for this pack.
on_order_confirmCalled right when an order for this pack is confirmed.

Var Details


If the container is lockable, the access to require for it.


The number of crates that get generated by this pack.


Particular beacons that we'll notify the relevant department when we reach


If this variable is filled, this grants the user a special TGUI confirmation prompt about ordering this shuttle, before they can place the order. Similar to bag of holding.


If TRUE, this pack is only visible on a cmagged supply console.


The name to give the container itself.


The type of container that the contents will arrive in.


OBJ: What is inside the crate


STRING: What is inside the crate


If TRUE, this pack is only visible on a hacked supply console.


The cost of this pack.


Determines which departments do not need QM approval to order this supply pack


The pack group this should appear in.


If TRUE, this pack is only visible on an emagged supply console.


The manifest contents for this order.


The name of this supply pack.


Path of the type of order that should be generated from this order


If true, this pack can only be ordered in units of 1.


Identifier indicating the specific "set" of singletons that this belongs to. Only one item in this set can be in the shopping cart at once.


A special pack that should not appear unless certain circumstances are fulfilled (event, station goals, admin packs)


If this pack is special, whether it should be visible or not.


List of names for being done in TGUI

Proc Details


Define a special condition as to whether or not this crate can currently be ordered.


Create a supply order for this pack.


Called right when an order for this pack is confirmed.