Vars | |
block_movement | Will thrownthing datum actually block movement? this might be FALSE with some circumstances even if var/should_block_movement is TRUE. This variable change automatically during the throw |
callback | If a thrown thing has a callback, it can be invoked here within thrownthing. |
delayed_time | How long an object has been paused for, to be added to the travel time. |
diagonal_error | How many tiles that need to be moved in order to travel to the target. |
diagonals_first | A variable that helps in describing objects thrown at an angle, if it should be moved diagonally first or last. |
dist_travelled | Tracks how far a thrownthing has traveled mid-throw for the purposes of maxrange |
dist_x | Distance to travel in the X axis/direction. |
dist_y | Distance to travel in the y axis/direction. |
dodgeable | When this variable is false, non dense mobs will be hit by a thrown item. useful for things that you dont want to be cheesed by crawling, EG. gravitational anomalies |
dx | The Horizontal direction we're traveling (EAST or WEST) |
dy | The VERTICAL direction we're traveling (NORTH or SOUTH) |
force | The movement force provided to a given object in transit. More info on these in |
init_dir | The initial direction of the thrower of the thrownthing for building the trajectory of the throw. |
initial_target_uid | UID of the original intended target of the throw, to prevent hardDels |
last_move | The last world.time value stored when the thrownthing was moving. |
maxrange | The maximum number of turfs that the thrownthing will travel to reach it's target. |
paused | Mainly exists for things that would freeze a thrown object in place, like a timestop'd tile. Or a Tractor Beam. |
pure_diagonal | Set to TRUE if the throw is exclusively diagonal (45 Degree angle throws for example) |
should_block_movement | Can a thrown mob move themselves to stop the throw? |
speed | Turfs to travel per tick |
start_time | The start_time obtained via world.time for the purposes of tiles moved/tick. |
starting_turf | The turf that we were thrown from. |
target_turf | The turf that the target was on, if it's not a turf itself. |
target_zone | If the target happens to be a carbon and that carbon has a body zone aimed at, this is carried on here. |
thrower_uid | If a mob is the one who has thrown the object, then its UID is stored here. This can be null and must be null checked before trying to use it. |
thrownthing | Thrown atom this datum is attached to |
Procs | |
get_thrower | Returns the mob thrower, or null |
on_thrownthing_qdel | Defines the datum behavior on the thrownthing's qdeletion event. |
Var Details
Will thrownthing datum actually block movement? this might be FALSE with some circumstances even if var/should_block_movement is TRUE. This variable change automatically during the throw
If a thrown thing has a callback, it can be invoked here within thrownthing.
How long an object has been paused for, to be added to the travel time.
How many tiles that need to be moved in order to travel to the target.
A variable that helps in describing objects thrown at an angle, if it should be moved diagonally first or last.
Tracks how far a thrownthing has traveled mid-throw for the purposes of maxrange
Distance to travel in the X axis/direction.
Distance to travel in the y axis/direction.
When this variable is false, non dense mobs will be hit by a thrown item. useful for things that you dont want to be cheesed by crawling, EG. gravitational anomalies
The Horizontal direction we're traveling (EAST or WEST)
The VERTICAL direction we're traveling (NORTH or SOUTH)
The movement force provided to a given object in transit. More info on these in
The initial direction of the thrower of the thrownthing for building the trajectory of the throw.
UID of the original intended target of the throw, to prevent hardDels
The last world.time value stored when the thrownthing was moving.
The maximum number of turfs that the thrownthing will travel to reach it's target.
Mainly exists for things that would freeze a thrown object in place, like a timestop'd tile. Or a Tractor Beam.
Set to TRUE if the throw is exclusively diagonal (45 Degree angle throws for example)
Can a thrown mob move themselves to stop the throw?
Turfs to travel per tick
The start_time obtained via world.time for the purposes of tiles moved/tick.
The turf that we were thrown from.
The turf that the target was on, if it's not a turf itself.
If the target happens to be a carbon and that carbon has a body zone aimed at, this is carried on here.
If a mob is the one who has thrown the object, then its UID is stored here. This can be null and must be null checked before trying to use it.
Thrown atom this datum is attached to
Proc Details
Returns the mob thrower, or null
Defines the datum behavior on the thrownthing's qdeletion event.