Vars | |
abstract | Is what we're spawning abstract? |
can_discount | Can this be sold at a discount? |
category | What category is the item listed under |
cost | How many TC does this cost? |
desc | Description of the item in the uplink |
excludefrom | Empty list does nothing. Place the name of uplink type you don't want this item to be available in here. |
hijack_only | Can this item be purchased only during hijackings? Hijack-only items are by default unable to be on sale. |
item | What is spawned when we purchase this? |
job | Is this job locked? |
limited_stock | Can you only buy so many? -1 allows for infinite purchases |
name | Name of the item in the uplink |
reference | Used for discounts. Any unique string will do. |
refund_amount | specified refund amount in case there needs to be a TC penalty for refunds. |
refund_path | Alternative path for refunds, in case the item purchased isn't what is actually refunded (ie: holoparasites). |
refundable | Can you refund this in the uplink? |
species | This makes an item on the uplink only show up to the specified species |
surplus | Chance of being included in the surplus crate (when pick() selects it) |
uplinktypes | Empty list means it is in all the uplink types. Otherwise place the uplink type here. |
uses_special_spawn | Our special little snowflakes that have to be spawned in a different way than normal, like a surplus crate spawning a crate or contractor kits |
Var Details
Is what we're spawning abstract?
Can this be sold at a discount?
What category is the item listed under
How many TC does this cost?
Description of the item in the uplink
Empty list does nothing. Place the name of uplink type you don't want this item to be available in here.
Can this item be purchased only during hijackings? Hijack-only items are by default unable to be on sale.
What is spawned when we purchase this?
Is this job locked?
Can you only buy so many? -1 allows for infinite purchases
Name of the item in the uplink
Used for discounts. Any unique string will do.
specified refund amount in case there needs to be a TC penalty for refunds.
Alternative path for refunds, in case the item purchased isn't what is actually refunded (ie: holoparasites).
Can you refund this in the uplink?
This makes an item on the uplink only show up to the specified species
Chance of being included in the surplus crate (when pick() selects it)
Empty list means it is in all the uplink types. Otherwise place the uplink type here.
Our special little snowflakes that have to be spawned in a different way than normal, like a surplus crate spawning a crate or contractor kits