Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Camera eyes are remote-control mobs that can move and see throughout the global cameranet. They're used in AI eyes, holograms, advanced camera consoles, abductor consoles, shuttle consoles, and xenobiology consoles. When created, the user with which they are initialized will be granted control, and their movements will be relayed to the camera eye instead. When destroyed, the user's control of the camera eye will be released; if they were previously remote controlling another object (such as another camera eye) then they will be put back in control of that object; otherwise they will return to their body.


accelerationToggles camera acceleration on or off.
acceleration_rateThe amount that sprint is increased per move
ai_detector_visibleToggles whether this eye is detectable by AI Detectors.
cooldownThe absolute time that sprint will reset to its initial value
cooldown_rateThe time after which sprint should be reset to its initial state, if no movements are made
max_sprintThe maximum sprint value - this caps acceleration
networksThe list of cameranets that this camera eye can see and access.
originThe object that created the eye.
relay_speechIf true, speech near the camera eye will be relayed to its controller.
sprintKeeps track of acceleration - movement rate is 1 + round(sprint / sprint_threshold)
sprint_thresholdThe minimum sprint needed to increase base velocity
static_visibility_rangeSets the camera eye visibility range; does not expand viewport, only affects cameranet obscuring
userThe user controlling the eye.
user_imageThe in-memory image of the camera eye's icon.
user_previous_remote_controlThe thing that the user was previously remote controlling before this eye.
visible_camera_chunksThe list of camera chunks currently visible to the camera eye.
visible_iconToggles whether the eye's icon should be visible to its user.


MoveDisables independent movement by camera eyes; camera eyes must be controlled by relaymove.
first_active_cameraReturns the turf of the first active camera in the global cameranet.
get_viewer_clientReturns the user's client, if it exists; otherwise returns null.
give_controlForces this eye's current user to release control, renames this eye, and grants new_user control of this eye.
hear_sayIf relay_speech is truthy, allows the camera eye's user to hear speech spoken at the eye's location.
refresh_visible_iconRefreshes user_image in the user's client.images.
relaymoveCalled when the user controlling this eye attempts to move; uses camera acceleration settings.
release_chunksRemove this eye from all chunks containing it.
release_controlCalls remove_images, changes the user's remote control from this camera eye to user_previous_remote_control.
remove_imagesRemoves obscured chunk images and user_images from the user's client.images.
rename_cameraRenames the camera eye (only visible in observer Orbit menu)
set_locSets the camera eye's location to T, updates global cameranet visibility, and refreshes user_images.
update_visibilityUpdates what the global cameranet can see with respect to this eye and its user's client.
validate_active_cameranetValidates that there is an active cameranet. If strict is 0, does nothing. Returns 1 if there is an active cameranet. Warns the user and returns 0 if there is not.

Var Details


Toggles camera acceleration on or off.


The amount that sprint is increased per move


Toggles whether this eye is detectable by AI Detectors.


The absolute time that sprint will reset to its initial value


The time after which sprint should be reset to its initial state, if no movements are made


The maximum sprint value - this caps acceleration


The list of cameranets that this camera eye can see and access.


The object that created the eye.


If true, speech near the camera eye will be relayed to its controller.


Keeps track of acceleration - movement rate is 1 + round(sprint / sprint_threshold)


The minimum sprint needed to increase base velocity


Sets the camera eye visibility range; does not expand viewport, only affects cameranet obscuring


The user controlling the eye.


The in-memory image of the camera eye's icon.


The thing that the user was previously remote controlling before this eye.


The list of camera chunks currently visible to the camera eye.


Toggles whether the eye's icon should be visible to its user.

Proc Details


Disables independent movement by camera eyes; camera eyes must be controlled by relaymove.


Returns the turf of the first active camera in the global cameranet.


Returns the user's client, if it exists; otherwise returns null.


Forces this eye's current user to release control, renames this eye, and grants new_user control of this eye.


If relay_speech is truthy, allows the camera eye's user to hear speech spoken at the eye's location.


Refreshes user_image in the user's client.images.


Called when the user controlling this eye attempts to move; uses camera acceleration settings.


Remove this eye from all chunks containing it.


Calls remove_images, changes the user's remote control from this camera eye to user_previous_remote_control.


Removes obscured chunk images and user_images from the user's client.images.


Renames the camera eye (only visible in observer Orbit menu)


Sets the camera eye's location to T, updates global cameranet visibility, and refreshes user_images.


Updates what the global cameranet can see with respect to this eye and its user's client.


Validates that there is an active cameranet. If strict is 0, does nothing. Returns 1 if there is an active cameranet. Warns the user and returns 0 if there is not.