Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



admin_prev_sleepingUsed for keeping track of previous sleeping value with admin freeze.
advanced_bullet_dodge_chanceThis variable is the chance for a mob to automatically dodge a bullet. Useful for admins, and applied to some mobs by default, such as the malfunctioning drone mobs.
bucklingmovable atom we are buckled to
extra_message_rangeIf a creature gets to be super special and have extra range on their chat messages
flags_2Flag to enable these making trees semi-transparent if behind them
forced_lookThis can either be a numerical direction or a soft object reference (UID). It makes the mob always face towards the selected thing.
frozenUsed for preventing attacks on admin-frozen mobs.
holder_typethe type of holder that will be created when a mob gets scooped up
incorporeal_moveAllows mobs to move through dense areas without restriction. For instance, in space or out of holder objects.
initial_traitsList of traits that should be applied on Initialize
last_taste_textStores a var of the last tast message we got. used so we don't spam people messages while they eat
last_taste_timeStores a var of the last world time we tasted something. used so we don't spam people messages while they eat
last_wordsFamous last words -- if succumbing, what the user's last words were
lying_angleNumber of degrees of rotation of a mob. 0 means no rotation, up-side facing NORTH. 90 means up-side rotated to face EAST, and so on.
restingif a mob is choosing to lay down
stamina_regen_block_modifierA multiplier for the ammount of time it takes for someone to regenerate stamina damage.


AdjustConfusedSets confusion to current amount + given, clamped between lower and higher bounds.
AdjustDizzySets dizziness to current amount + given, clamped between lower and higher bounds.
AdjustDrowsySets drowsiness to current amount + given, clamped between lower and higher bounds.
AdjustDrunkSets drunkenness to current amount + given, clamped between lower and higher bounds.
ConfusedSets confusion if it's higher than current.
DizzySets dizziness if it's higher than current.
DrowsySets drowsiness if it's higher than current.
DrunkSets drunkenness if it's higher than current.
SetConfusedSets confusion if it's higher than zero.
SetDizzySets dizziness if it's higher than zero.
SetDrowsySets drowsiness if it's higher than zero.
SetDrunkSets drunkenness if it's higher than zero.
add_stun_absorptionSTUN ABSORPTION
admin_Freezemob freeze procs
advanced_bullet_dodgeTries to dodge incoming bullets if we aren't disabled for any reasons. Advised to overide with advanced effects, this is as basic example admins can apply.
apply_status_effectApplies a given status effect to this mob, returning the effect if it was successful or null otherwise
can_remote_apc_interfaceCan a mob interact with the apc remotely like a pulse demon, cyborg, or AI?
can_run_surgeryCheck to see if a surgical operation proposed on ourselves is valid or not. We are the target of the surgery
clear_forced_lookClears the mob's direction lock if enabled.
electrocute_actAs the name suggests, this should be called to apply electric shocks.
get_confusionReturns current amount of confusion, 0 if none.
get_dizzinessReturns current amount of dizziness, 0 if none.
get_drowsinessReturns current amount of drowsiness, 0 if none.
get_drunkennessReturns current amount of drunkenness, 0 if none.
grant_guardian_actionsGrants all existing /datum/action/guardian type actions to the src mob.
handle_environmentHandle temperature/pressure differences between body and environment
handle_fireBurns a mob and slowly puts the fires out. Returns TRUE if the mob is on fire
has_status_effectReturns the effect if the mob calling the proc owns the given status effect, or null otherwise
has_status_effect_listReturns a list of effects with matching IDs that the mod owns; use for effects there can be multiple of
has_status_effect_typeReturns the effect if the mob calling the proc owns the given status effect, but checks by type.
on_fakedeath_trait_gainCalled when [TRAIT_FAKEDEATH] is added to the mob.
on_fakedeath_trait_lossCalled when [TRAIT_FAKEDEATH] is removed from the mob.
on_floored_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_FLOORED is added to the mob.
on_floored_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_FLOORED is removed from the mob.
on_forced_standing_trait_gainCalled when [TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING] is added to the mob.
on_forced_standing_trait_lossCalled when [TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING] is removed from the mob.
on_handsblocked_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED is added to the mob.
on_handsblocked_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.
on_immobilized_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED is added to the mob.
on_immobilized_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED is removed from the mob.
on_knockedout_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT is added to the mob.
on_knockedout_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT is removed from the mob.
on_pressure_vision_trait_gainCalled when [TRAIT_PRESSURE_VISION] is added to the mob.
on_pressure_vision_trait_lossCalled when [TRAIT_PRESSURE_VISION] is removed from the mob.
on_pull_blocked_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_CANNOT_PULL is added to the mob.
on_pull_blocked_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_CANNOT_PULL is removed from the mob.
on_restrained_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_RESTRAINED is added to the mob.
on_restrained_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_RESTRAINED is removed from the mob.
on_ui_blocked_trait_gainCalled when TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED is added to the mob.
on_ui_blocked_trait_lossCalled when TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.
on_unknown_traitGaining or losing [TRAIT_UNKNOWN] updates our name and our sechud
register_init_signalsCalled on [/mob/living/proc/Initialize], for the mob to register to relevant signals.
remove_guardian_actionsRemoves all /datum/action/guardian type actions from the src mob.
remove_status_effectRemoves all of a given status effect from this mob, returning TRUE if at least one was removed
run_resistproc extender of [/mob/living/verb/resist] meant to make the process queable if the server is overloaded when the verb is called
set_forced_lookSets the mob's direction lock towards a given atom.
set_lying_angleChanges the inclination angle of a mob, used by humans and others to differentiate between standing up and prone positions.
transfer_blood_toBLOOD TRANSFERS
unbuckleUnbuckle the mob from whatever it is buckled to.

Var Details


Used for keeping track of previous sleeping value with admin freeze.


This variable is the chance for a mob to automatically dodge a bullet. Useful for admins, and applied to some mobs by default, such as the malfunctioning drone mobs.


movable atom we are buckled to


If a creature gets to be super special and have extra range on their chat messages


Flag to enable these making trees semi-transparent if behind them


This can either be a numerical direction or a soft object reference (UID). It makes the mob always face towards the selected thing.


Used for preventing attacks on admin-frozen mobs.


the type of holder that will be created when a mob gets scooped up


Allows mobs to move through dense areas without restriction. For instance, in space or out of holder objects.


List of traits that should be applied on Initialize


Stores a var of the last tast message we got. used so we don't spam people messages while they eat


Stores a var of the last world time we tasted something. used so we don't spam people messages while they eat


Famous last words -- if succumbing, what the user's last words were


Number of degrees of rotation of a mob. 0 means no rotation, up-side facing NORTH. 90 means up-side rotated to face EAST, and so on.


if a mob is choosing to lay down


A multiplier for the ammount of time it takes for someone to regenerate stamina damage.

Proc Details


Sets confusion to current amount + given, clamped between lower and higher bounds.



Sets dizziness to current amount + given, clamped between lower and higher bounds.



Sets drowsiness to current amount + given, clamped between lower and higher bounds.



Sets drunkenness to current amount + given, clamped between lower and higher bounds.



Sets confusion if it's higher than current.


Sets dizziness if it's higher than current.


Sets drowsiness if it's higher than current.


Sets drunkenness if it's higher than current.




Sets confusion if it's higher than zero.


Sets dizziness if it's higher than zero.


Sets drowsiness if it's higher than zero.


Sets drunkenness if it's higher than zero.




mob freeze procs


Tries to dodge incoming bullets if we aren't disabled for any reasons. Advised to overide with advanced effects, this is as basic example admins can apply.


Applies a given status effect to this mob, returning the effect if it was successful or null otherwise


Can a mob interact with the apc remotely like a pulse demon, cyborg, or AI?


Check to see if a surgical operation proposed on ourselves is valid or not. We are the target of the surgery


Clears the mob's direction lock if enabled.



As the name suggests, this should be called to apply electric shocks.


Returns current amount of confusion, 0 if none.


Returns current amount of dizziness, 0 if none.


Returns current amount of drowsiness, 0 if none.


Returns current amount of drunkenness, 0 if none.


Grants all existing /datum/action/guardian type actions to the src mob.

Called whenever the host gains their gauardian.


Handle temperature/pressure differences between body and environment


Burns a mob and slowly puts the fires out. Returns TRUE if the mob is on fire


Returns the effect if the mob calling the proc owns the given status effect, or null otherwise


Returns a list of effects with matching IDs that the mod owns; use for effects there can be multiple of


Returns the effect if the mob calling the proc owns the given status effect, but checks by type.


Called when [TRAIT_FAKEDEATH] is added to the mob.


Called when [TRAIT_FAKEDEATH] is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_FLOORED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_FLOORED is removed from the mob.


Called when [TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING] is added to the mob.


Called when [TRAIT_FORCED_STANDING] is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_HANDS_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_IMMOBILIZED is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_KNOCKEDOUT is removed from the mob.


Called when [TRAIT_PRESSURE_VISION] is added to the mob.


Called when [TRAIT_PRESSURE_VISION] is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_CANNOT_PULL is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_CANNOT_PULL is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_RESTRAINED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_RESTRAINED is removed from the mob.


Called when TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED is added to the mob.


Called when TRAIT_UI_BLOCKED is removed from the mob.


Gaining or losing [TRAIT_UNKNOWN] updates our name and our sechud


Called on [/mob/living/proc/Initialize], for the mob to register to relevant signals.


Removes all /datum/action/guardian type actions from the src mob.

Called whenever the host loses their guardian.


Removes all of a given status effect from this mob, returning TRUE if at least one was removed


proc extender of [/mob/living/verb/resist] meant to make the process queable if the server is overloaded when the verb is called


Sets the mob's direction lock towards a given atom.



Changes the inclination angle of a mob, used by humans and others to differentiate between standing up and prone positions.

In BYOND-angles 0 is NORTH, 90 is EAST, 180 is SOUTH and 270 is WEST. This usually means that 0 is standing up, 90 and 270 are horizontal positions to right and left respectively, and 180 is upside-down. Mobs that do now follow these conventions due to unusual sprites should require a special handling or redefinition of this proc, due to the density and layer changes. The return of this proc is the previous value of the modified lying_angle if a change was successful (might include zero), or null if no change was made.



Distance versus interaction check.

required src_object atom/movable The object which owns the UI.

return UI_state The state of the UI.




Unbuckle the mob from whatever it is buckled to.