Vars | |
co2overloadtime | Used to track how much CO2 is in our system. Too much CO2 means you get stunned and die |
dreaming | How many dream messages we have left to send |
handcuffed | Whether or not the mob is handcuffed, restraints/handcuffs/ required for var/cuffed_state |
head | The object stored on the head of the mob. Strangly not on the Human level |
internal_organ_datums | An associated list of strings that associate it with the organ datum, e.g. [ORGAN_DATUM_HEART] = /datum/organ/heart |
last_pain_message | Stores the last pain message we got. used to prevent chatspam from pain |
legcuffed | Same as handcuffs but for legs. Bear traps use this. |
life_tick | The amount of life ticks that have processed on this mob. |
next_pain_time | Stores the last time we sent a pain message. used to prevent chatspam from pain |
nightmare | How many nightmare messages we have left to send |
pose | Active emote/pose. Similar to flavor text |
pulse | Current pulse of this mob. Updated by handle_pulse on life |
wear_suit | The object stored on the exosuit slot of the mob. Strangly not on the Human level |
wetlevel | Tracks how wet the mob is. Only used for examining the mob |
Procs | |
can_breathe_helmet | Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible helmet is equipped. |
can_breathe_internals | Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask or breathing tube is equipped. |
can_breathe_mask | Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask is equipped. |
can_breathe_tube | Returns TRUE if a breathing tube is equipped. |
can_feel_pain | Whether or not a mob can feel pain. |
clear_handcuffs | Removes a carbon's handcuffs, dropping them to the ground. Calls update_handcuffed(). Unbuckles if handcuffs were necessary for the buckle (pipe buckling, etc.) |
clear_legcuffs | Removes a carbon's legcuffs, dropping them to the ground. Calls update_inv_legcuffed(). |
clear_restraints | Clears a carbon mob's handcuffs and legcuffs, dropping them to the ground. |
dream | DREAMS |
electrocute_act | Adds to the parent by also adding functionality to propagate shocks through pulling and doing some fluff effects. |
examine_damage_flavor | Add specific damage flavor here. |
examine_extra_damage_flavor | Add any extra info which should be within the "damage" block, the big warning span. |
examine_extra_general_flavor | Add some last information in before HUDs get put through. |
examine_handle_individual_limb | Special handlers for processing limbs go here, based on limb names in examine_visible_clothing. |
examine_start_damage_block | Add whatever you want to start the damage block with here. |
examine_visible_clothing | Get the message parts, in order, for a proper examine. Message parts should be as follows: |
examine_what_am_i | Identify what this mob in particular is. |
has_virus | Whether a virus worthy displaying on the HUD is present. |
is_in_crit | Medical HUD! Basic mode needs suit sensors on. Whether the carbon mob is currently in crit. |
pat_out | Handles patting out a fire on someone. |
secondary_shock | Called slightly after electrocute act to reduce jittering and apply a secondary knockdown. |
toggle_give | Toggles the /datum/click_intercept/give on or off for the src mob. |
update_suit_sensors | HOOKS |
Var Details
Used to track how much CO2 is in our system. Too much CO2 means you get stunned and die
How many dream messages we have left to send
Whether or not the mob is handcuffed, restraints/handcuffs/ required for var/cuffed_state
The object stored on the head of the mob. Strangly not on the Human level
An associated list of strings that associate it with the organ datum, e.g. [ORGAN_DATUM_HEART] = /datum/organ/heart
Stores the last pain message we got. used to prevent chatspam from pain
Same as handcuffs but for legs. Bear traps use this.
The amount of life ticks that have processed on this mob.
Stores the last time we sent a pain message. used to prevent chatspam from pain
How many nightmare messages we have left to send
Active emote/pose. Similar to flavor text
Current pulse of this mob. Updated by handle_pulse on life
The object stored on the exosuit slot of the mob. Strangly not on the Human level
Tracks how wet the mob is. Only used for examining the mob
Proc Details
Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible helmet is equipped.
Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask or breathing tube is equipped.
Returns TRUE if an air tank compatible mask is equipped.
Returns TRUE if a breathing tube is equipped.
Whether or not a mob can feel pain.
Returns TRUE if the mob can feel pain, FALSE otherwise
Removes a carbon's handcuffs, dropping them to the ground. Calls update_handcuffed(). Unbuckles if handcuffs were necessary for the buckle (pipe buckling, etc.)
- show_message - if TRUE, will display a visible message when restraints are removed. FALSE by default.
- TRUE if handcuffs existed and were successfully removed, FALSE otherwise
Removes a carbon's legcuffs, dropping them to the ground. Calls update_inv_legcuffed().
- show_message - if TRUE, will display a visible message when restraints are removed. FALSE by default.
- TRUE if legcuffs existed and were successfully removed, FALSE otherwise
Clears a carbon mob's handcuffs and legcuffs, dropping them to the ground.
- show_message - if TRUE, will display a visible message when restraints are removed. FALSE by default.
- TRUE if handcuffs or legcuffs were removed, FALSE otherwise
Adds to the parent by also adding functionality to propagate shocks through pulling and doing some fluff effects.
Add specific damage flavor here.
Add any extra info which should be within the "damage" block, the big warning span.
Add some last information in before HUDs get put through.
Special handlers for processing limbs go here, based on limb names in examine_visible_clothing.
Add whatever you want to start the damage block with here.
Get the message parts, in order, for a proper examine. Message parts should be as follows:
- Pronoun/intro for how they've got it on them
- The item itself
- Preposition for where it is
- the location it's in
Arguments represent whether to skip a certain slot when handling the message.
Identify what this mob in particular is.
Whether a virus worthy displaying on the HUD is present.
Medical HUD! Basic mode needs suit sensors on. Whether the carbon mob is currently in crit.
Handles patting out a fire on someone.
Removes 0.5 fire stacks per pat, with a 30% chance of the user burning their hand if they don't have adequate heat resistance. Arguments:
- src - The mob doing the patting
- target - The mob who is currently on fire
Called slightly after electrocute act to reduce jittering and apply a secondary knockdown.
Toggles the /datum/click_intercept/give on or off for the src mob.