Vars | |
alpha_sources | Lazylist of sources to track what our alpha should be, alpha is set to the minimum. Use the set_alpha_tracking and get_alpha helpers. |
body_type | The body type associated with the body |
bodyparts_by_name | map organ names to organs |
height | Players' height (more fluff) |
physique | Players physique (even MORE fluff) |
previous_damage_appearance | Stores what the body last looked like. Prevents updating the body when we don't need to |
receiving_cpr_from | UID of the person who is giving this mob CPR. |
species_subtype | Species Sub-Type - overrites the species_sheet_name when it's not "None", acts the same as a skin tone. |
tail | Name of tail image in species effects icon file. |
wing | Same as tail but wing |
Procs | |
Robotize | For transforming humans into robots (cyborgs). |
add_comment | Helper function to add a "comment" to a data record. Used for medical or security records. |
bananatouched_harmless | Like bananatouched, but intended to be used for funny one-off scenarios which aren't meant to permanently cripple someone's round. |
check_eye_prot | check_eye_prot() Returns a number between -1 to 2 |
check_obscured_slots | Gets the obscured ITEM_SLOTs on a human |
contaminate_atom | Tries to contaminate a human |
electrocute_act | Calculates the siemens coeff based on clothing and species, can also restart hearts. |
get_alpha | Gets the target alpha of the human |
get_cpr_timer_adjustment | Get the amount of time that this round of CPR should add to the death timer |
handle_fire | FIRE CODE |
is_inside_mob | Checks if an item is inside the body of the mob |
mind_checks | Handles any adjustments to the mob after a mind transfer. |
rad_contaminate_zone | Returns a list. The first element is whether we penetrated all clothing for the zone, the rest are the clothes that got contaminated |
regrow_external_limb_if_missing | Regrows a given external limb if it is missing. Does not add internal organs back in. Returns whether or not it regrew the limb |
sec_hud_set_ID | Security HUDs! Basic mode shows only the job. |
set_alpha_tracking | Helper for tracking alpha, use this to set an alpha source |
set_species | Change a mob's species. |
setup_dna | Sets up DNA and species. |
setup_other | Sets up other variables and components that may be needed for gameplay. |
slimify_limb | Slimifies a limb by painting a color onto the icon, then changing the alpha |
tintcheck | tintcheck() Checks eye covering items for visually impairing tinting, such as welding masks Checked in 0 & 1 = no impairment, 2 = welding mask overlay, 3 = You can see jack, but you can't see shit. |
update_hair | Generates overlays for the hair layer. |
Var Details
Lazylist of sources to track what our alpha should be, alpha is set to the minimum. Use the set_alpha_tracking
and get_alpha
The body type associated with the body
map organ names to organs
Players' height (more fluff)
Players physique (even MORE fluff)
Stores what the body last looked like. Prevents updating the body when we don't need to
UID of the person who is giving this mob CPR.
Species Sub-Type - overrites the species_sheet_name when it's not "None", acts the same as a skin tone.
Name of tail image in species effects icon file.
Same as tail but wing
Proc Details
For transforming humans into robots (cyborgs).
- cell_type: A type path of the cell the new borg should receive.
- connect_to_default_AI: TRUE if you want /robot/New() to handle connecting the borg to the AI with the least borgs.
- AI: A reference to the AI we want to connect to.
Helper function to add a "comment" to a data record. Used for medical or security records.
Like bananatouched, but intended to be used for funny one-off scenarios which aren't meant to permanently cripple someone's round.
check_eye_prot() Returns a number between -1 to 2
Gets the obscured ITEM_SLOTs on a human
- A bitfield containing the ITEM_SLOTS bitflags that are obscured.
Tries to contaminate a human
Calculates the siemens coeff based on clothing and species, can also restart hearts.
Gets the target alpha of the human
optional_source - use this to get the alpha of an exact source. This is unsafe, only use if you 100% know it will be in the list. For the best safety, only call this as get_alpha(src)
Get the amount of time that this round of CPR should add to the death timer
Checks if an item is inside the body of the mob
Handles any adjustments to the mob after a mind transfer.
Returns a list. The first element is whether we penetrated all clothing for the zone, the rest are the clothes that got contaminated
Regrows a given external limb if it is missing. Does not add internal organs back in. Returns whether or not it regrew the limb
- limb_name - The name of the limb being added. "l_arm" for example
Security HUDs! Basic mode shows only the job.
Helper for tracking alpha, use this to set an alpha source
alpha_num - num between 0 and 255 that represents the alpha from source
source - a datum that is the cause of the alpha source. This will be turned into a key via UID.
update_alpha - boolean if alpha should be updated with this proc. Set this to false if you plan to animate the alpha after this call.
Change a mob's species.
- new_species - The user's new species.
- use_default_color - If true, use the species' default color for the new mob.
- delay_icon_update - If true, UpdateAppearance() won't be called in this proc.
- skip_same_check - If true, don't bail out early if we would be changing to our current species and run through everything anyway.
- retain_damage - If true, damage on the mob will be re-applied post-transform. Otherwise, the mob will have its organs healed.
- transformation - If true, don't apply new species traits to the mob. A false value should be used when creating a new mob instead of transforming into a new species.
- keep_missing_bodyparts - If true, any bodyparts (legs, head, etc.) that were missing on the mob before species change will be missing post-change as well.
Sets up DNA and species.
- new_species - The new species to assign.
Sets up other variables and components that may be needed for gameplay.
Slimifies a limb by painting a color onto the icon, then changing the alpha
tintcheck() Checks eye covering items for visually impairing tinting, such as welding masks Checked in 0 & 1 = no impairment, 2 = welding mask overlay, 3 = You can see jack, but you can't see shit.
Generates overlays for the hair layer.