Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



allow_renameCan a robot rename itself with the Namepick verb?
base_iconThe default skin of some special robots.
braintypeDetermines if the robot is referred to as an "Android", "Robot", or "Cyborg" based on the type of brain inside.
brute_modIncoming brute damage is multiplied by this number.
burn_modIncoming burn damage is multiplied by this number.
can_lock_coverIf set to TRUE, a robot can re-lock its own cover.
componentsComponents are basically robot organs.
custom_eye_namesRobot skins with multiple variants for different modules. They require special handling to make their eyes display.
custom_panelDoes the robot have a non-default sprite for an open service panel?
custom_panel_namesRobot skins with non-default sprites for an open service panel.
damage_protectionAll incoming damage has this number subtracted from it.
ear_protectionIs the robot protected from the audio component of flashbangs? Prevents inflicting confusion.
emaggedHas the robot been emagged?
emp_protectionIs the robot immune to EMPs?
externally_poweredIf the cyborg is in a charger, or otherwise receiving power from an outside source.
eye_protectionIs the robot protected from the visual portion of flashbangs and flashes?
floorbufferDoes the robot clean dirt under it when it moves onto a tile?
has_advanced_reagent_visionIf set to TRUE, the robot can see the types and precice quantities of reagents in transparent containers, the % amount of different reagents in opaque containers, and can identify different blood types.
has_cameraDetermines if a robot acts as a mobile security camera that can be observed through security consoles or by an AI.
identUsed when generating the number in default robot names.
ionpulseDoes the robot have ion thrusters installed?
ionpulse_onAre the robot's ion thrusters activated?
is_emaggableCan the robot be emagged?
lamp_intensityLuminosity of the headlamp. 0 is off. Higher settings than the minimum require power. Increments in steps of 2.
lamp_maxMaximum brightness of a robot's headlamp. Set as a var for easy adjusting.
lamp_rechargingFlag for if the headlamp is on cooldown after being forcibly disabled (e.g. by a shadow deamon).
last_camera_updateWhen the camera moved signal was sent last. Avoid overdoing it.
lawupdateDetermines if the robot tries to sync its laws to a connected AI.
lockchargeUsed when locking down a robot to preserve cell charge.
lockedIs the robot's cover locked?
low_power_modeHas the robot's power cell run out of charge?
mail_destinationInteger used to determine self-mailing location, used only by drones and saboteur robots.
mmiUsed for deconstruction to remember what the robot was constructed out of.
modtypeWhat specialisation the robot has.
modules_breakIf set to TRUE, the robot's 3 module slots will progressively become unusable as they take damage.
openedIs the robot's maintenance panel open?
pdahideIf set to TRUE, the robot will be hidden on the PDA messenger list.
rebootingIf the cyborg is rebooting from stamcrit
req_accessUsed for robot access checks.
req_one_accessDetermines the ID access needed to unlock the robot's cover.
robot_suitUsed for deconstruction to remember what the robot was constructed out of.
scrambledcodesIf set to TRUE, a robot will not be visible on the robotics control console.
slowdown_capWhat the cyborg's maximum slowdown penalty is, if it has one.
speedSpeed modifier. Positive numbers reduce speed, negative numbers increase it.
tracking_entitiesThe number of known entities currently accessing the internal camera.
weapons_unlockSetting to TRUE unlocks a borg's Safety Override modules.


disable_random_componentDisables a random component for the duration, or until manually turned back on.
get_armourReturns the armour component for a borg, or false if its missing or broken
get_cell_componentReturns the power cell component for a borg, or false if its missing or broken
get_module_spritesReturns an associative list of possible borg sprites based on the selected_module.
get_module_typesReturns a list of choosable module types, associated with the module icon for the radial menu.
initialize_moduleSets up the module items and sprites for the cyborg module chosen in pick_module().
observer_screen_updateUpdates the observers's screens with cyborg itemss. Arguments
on_drop_hotkey_pressUsed in when the user presses "Q" by default.
robot_module_hat_offsetSets the offset for a cyborg's hats based on their module icon. Borgs are grouped by similar sprites (Eg. all the Noble borgs are all the same sprite but recoloured.)
set_mail_tagSet Mail Tag
spill_upgradesTake the borg's upgrades and spill them on the floor

Var Details


Can a robot rename itself with the Namepick verb?


The default skin of some special robots.


Determines if the robot is referred to as an "Android", "Robot", or "Cyborg" based on the type of brain inside.


Incoming brute damage is multiplied by this number.


Incoming burn damage is multiplied by this number.


If set to TRUE, a robot can re-lock its own cover.


Components are basically robot organs.


Robot skins with multiple variants for different modules. They require special handling to make their eyes display.


Does the robot have a non-default sprite for an open service panel?


Robot skins with non-default sprites for an open service panel.


All incoming damage has this number subtracted from it.


Is the robot protected from the audio component of flashbangs? Prevents inflicting confusion.


Has the robot been emagged?


Is the robot immune to EMPs?


If the cyborg is in a charger, or otherwise receiving power from an outside source.


Is the robot protected from the visual portion of flashbangs and flashes?


Does the robot clean dirt under it when it moves onto a tile?


If set to TRUE, the robot can see the types and precice quantities of reagents in transparent containers, the % amount of different reagents in opaque containers, and can identify different blood types.


Determines if a robot acts as a mobile security camera that can be observed through security consoles or by an AI.


Used when generating the number in default robot names.


Does the robot have ion thrusters installed?


Are the robot's ion thrusters activated?


Can the robot be emagged?


Luminosity of the headlamp. 0 is off. Higher settings than the minimum require power. Increments in steps of 2.


Maximum brightness of a robot's headlamp. Set as a var for easy adjusting.


Flag for if the headlamp is on cooldown after being forcibly disabled (e.g. by a shadow deamon).


When the camera moved signal was sent last. Avoid overdoing it.


Determines if the robot tries to sync its laws to a connected AI.


Used when locking down a robot to preserve cell charge.


Is the robot's cover locked?


Has the robot's power cell run out of charge?


Integer used to determine self-mailing location, used only by drones and saboteur robots.


Used for deconstruction to remember what the robot was constructed out of.


What specialisation the robot has.


If set to TRUE, the robot's 3 module slots will progressively become unusable as they take damage.


Is the robot's maintenance panel open?


If set to TRUE, the robot will be hidden on the PDA messenger list.


If the cyborg is rebooting from stamcrit


Used for robot access checks.


Determines the ID access needed to unlock the robot's cover.


Used for deconstruction to remember what the robot was constructed out of.


If set to TRUE, a robot will not be visible on the robotics control console.


What the cyborg's maximum slowdown penalty is, if it has one.


Speed modifier. Positive numbers reduce speed, negative numbers increase it.


The number of known entities currently accessing the internal camera.


Setting to TRUE unlocks a borg's Safety Override modules.

Proc Details


Disables a random component for the duration, or until manually turned back on.


Returns the armour component for a borg, or false if its missing or broken


Returns the power cell component for a borg, or false if its missing or broken


Returns an associative list of possible borg sprites based on the selected_module.

Key: Sprite name | Value: Sprite icon



Returns a list of choosable module types, associated with the module icon for the radial menu.

Key: Module name | Value: Module 'icon'

By default this returns the Engineering, Janitor, Medical, Mining, and Service modules. If there are any [/mob/living/silicon/robot/var/force_modules] set, then they are returned instead. If the MMI has a xenomorph brain in it ([/obj/item/mmi/var/alien]), then only the "Hunter" and standard modules is returned.


Sets up the module items and sprites for the cyborg module chosen in pick_module().



Updates the observers's screens with cyborg itemss. Arguments


Used in when the user presses "Q" by default.


Sets the offset for a cyborg's hats based on their module icon. Borgs are grouped by similar sprites (Eg. all the Noble borgs are all the same sprite but recoloured.)



Set Mail Tag


Take the borg's upgrades and spill them on the floor