Conversion ratio from Watt ticks to joules.
Vars | |
apc_being_hijacked | Reference to the APC currently being hijacked. |
apc_images | Images of APCs currently being shown on the client. |
bot_movedelay | Delay tracker for movement inside bots. |
cable_images | Images of cables currently being shown on the client. |
can_exit_cable | Controls whether the demon can move outside of cables. Toggled by a spell. |
charge | Current quantity of energy the demon currently holds (Joules), spent while purchasing, upgrading or using spells or upgrades. Use adjust_charge to modify this. |
charge_drained | Book keeping for objective win conditions (Joules). |
controlling_area | Area being controlled, should be maintained as long as the demon does not move outside a container (APC, object, robot, bot). |
current_bot | Inhabited bot, only maintained while inside the bot. |
current_cable | Inhabited cable, only maintained while on top of the cable. |
current_power | Inhabited power source, maintained while inside, or while inside its area if it is an APC. |
current_robot | Inhabited cyborg, only maintained while inside the cyborg. |
current_weapon | Inhabited item, only items which can be used in rechargers can be hijacked. Only maintained while inside the item. |
do_drain | Controls whether the demon will drain power from sources. Toggled by a spell. |
emp_debounce | Tracking to prevent multiple EMPs in the same tick from instakilling a demon. |
glow_color | The color of light the demon emits. The range of the light is proportional to energy stored. |
health_loss_rate | Amount of health lost per Life tick when the power requirement was not met. |
health_regen_rate | Amount of health regenerated per Life tick when the power requirement was met. |
hijack_time | The time it takes to hijack APCs and cyborgs. |
hijacked_apcs | List of all previously hijacked APCs. |
hijacked_robots | A cyborg that has already been hijacked can be re-entered instantly. |
hurt_sounds | List of sounds that is picked from when the demon dies or is EMP'd. |
inside_cable_speed | Speed used while moving inside cables. |
max_drain_rate | Maximum value for power_drain_rate based on upgrades. (Watts) |
maxcharge | Maximum quantity of energy the demon can hold at once (Joules). |
outside_cable_speed | Speed used while moving outside cables. Can be upgraded. |
power_drain_rate | Amount of power (Watts) to drain from power sources every Life tick. |
power_per_regen | Amount of power (Watts) required to regenerate health. |
regen_lock | Lock health regeneration while this is not 0, decreases by 1 every Life tick. |
speech_sounds | List of sounds that is picked from when the demon speaks. |
Var Details
Reference to the APC currently being hijacked.
Images of APCs currently being shown on the client.
Delay tracker for movement inside bots.
Images of cables currently being shown on the client.
Controls whether the demon can move outside of cables. Toggled by a spell.
Current quantity of energy the demon currently holds (Joules), spent while purchasing, upgrading or using spells or upgrades. Use adjust_charge to modify this.
Book keeping for objective win conditions (Joules).
Area being controlled, should be maintained as long as the demon does not move outside a container (APC, object, robot, bot).
Inhabited bot, only maintained while inside the bot.
Inhabited cable, only maintained while on top of the cable.
Inhabited power source, maintained while inside, or while inside its area if it is an APC.
Inhabited cyborg, only maintained while inside the cyborg.
Inhabited item, only items which can be used in rechargers can be hijacked. Only maintained while inside the item.
Controls whether the demon will drain power from sources. Toggled by a spell.
Tracking to prevent multiple EMPs in the same tick from instakilling a demon.
The color of light the demon emits. The range of the light is proportional to energy stored.
Amount of health lost per Life tick when the power requirement was not met.
Amount of health regenerated per Life tick when the power requirement was met.
The time it takes to hijack APCs and cyborgs.
List of all previously hijacked APCs.
A cyborg that has already been hijacked can be re-entered instantly.
List of sounds that is picked from when the demon dies or is EMP'd.
Speed used while moving inside cables.
Maximum value for power_drain_rate based on upgrades. (Watts)
Maximum quantity of energy the demon can hold at once (Joules).
Speed used while moving outside cables. Can be upgraded.
Amount of power (Watts) to drain from power sources every Life tick.
Amount of power (Watts) required to regenerate health.
Lock health regeneration while this is not 0, decreases by 1 every Life tick.
List of sounds that is picked from when the demon speaks.