A box with a similar design to the Hierophant which trades large, single attacks for more frequent smaller ones. As it's health gets lower, the time between it's attacks decrease. It's attacks are as follows:
- Fires hierophant blasts in a straight line. Can only fire in a straight line in 8 directions, being the diagonals and cardinals.
- Creates a box of hierophant blasts around the target. If they try to run away to avoid it, they'll very likely get hit.
- Teleports the pandora from one location to another, almost identical to Hierophant.
- Spawns a 7x7 AOE at the location of choice, spreading out from the center. Pandora's fight mirrors Hierophant's closely, but has stark differences in attack effects. Instead of long-winded dodge times and long cooldowns, Pandora constantly attacks the opponent, but leaves itself open for attack.