Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


These effects can be added to anything to hold particles, which is useful because Byond only allows a single particle per atom


holding_parentThe mob that is holding our item
last_attached_location_typetypepath of the last location we're in, if it's different when moved then we need to update vis contents
parentThe main item we're attached to at the moment, particle holders hold particles for something


on_movesignal called when parent is moved
on_qdelsignal called when parent is deleted
update_visual_contentslogic proc for particle holders, aka where they move. subtypes of particle holders can override this for particles that should always be turf level or do special things when repositioning. this base subtype has some logic for items, as the loc of items becomes mobs very often hiding the particles

Var Details


The mob that is holding our item


typepath of the last location we're in, if it's different when moved then we need to update vis contents


The main item we're attached to at the moment, particle holders hold particles for something

Proc Details


signal called when parent is moved


signal called when parent is deleted


logic proc for particle holders, aka where they move. subtypes of particle holders can override this for particles that should always be turf level or do special things when repositioning. this base subtype has some logic for items, as the loc of items becomes mobs very often hiding the particles