Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



action_iconList of icons-sheets for a given action to override the icon.
action_icon_stateList of icon states for a given action to override the icon_state.
actionsList of /datum/action's that this item has.
actions_typesList of paths of action datums to give to the item on New().
allowedFor what suits can store. IE. secuirty vest holding stunbatons, disablers, cuffs.
armour_penetration_flatFlat armour reduction, occurs after percentage armour penetration.
armour_penetration_percentagePercentage armour reduction, happens before flat armour reduction.
attack_effect_overrideAllows you to override the attack animation with an attack effect
attack_verbUsed in attackby() to say how something was attacked "[x] has been [z.attack_verb] by [y] with [z]"
body_parts_coveredWhat bodyflags does this item cover? See for appropriate bit flags
cold_protectionFlags which determine which body parts are protected from cold. Use the HEAD, UPPER_TORSO, LOWER_TORSO, etc. flags. See
discreteused in to make an item not show an attack message to viewers
dog_fashionWhat can/cant be worn, and where is valid to be worn by ian/E-N(and corgies), most of the time changing the name and emotes of the pet.
drop_soundSound uses when dropping the item, or when its thrown.
dyeableIf this item is put into a washing machine to be dyed, can objects of this type be dyed into a different color/icon?
dyeing_keyThe associated key to the dye registry GLOB list, used to transform/color this piece of clothing through dyeing
embed_chanceSo items can have custom embedd values because customisation is king
embedded_fall_chanceThe chances of the item falling out of the limb
embedded_fall_pain_multiplierThe coefficient of multiplication for the damage this item does when falling out of a limb (this * w_class)
embedded_ignore_throwspeed_thresholdHow fast something has to be going to embed
embedded_impact_pain_multiplierThe coefficient of multiplication for the damage this item does when first embedded (this * w_class)
embedded_pain_chanceThe cances of the item dealing damage to the limb
embedded_pain_multiplierThe coefficient of multiplication for the damage this item does while embedded (this * w_class)
embedded_unsafe_removal_pain_multiplierThe coefficient of multiplication for the damage removing this without surgery causes (this * w_class)
embedded_unsafe_removal_timeA time in ticks, multiplied by the w_class.
equip_soundSound used when equipping the item into a valid slot
flags_coverFor flags that define what areas an item cover
flags_invSince any item can now be a piece of clothing, this has to be put here so all items share it. This flag is used to determine when items in someone's inventory cover others. IE helmets making it so you can't see glasses, etc.
gas_transfer_coefficientFor leaking gas from turf to mask and vice-versa.
heat_protectionFlags which determine which body parts are protected from heat. Use the HEAD, UPPER_TORSO, LOWER_TORSO, etc. flags. See
hidden_uplinkAll items can have an uplink hidden inside, just remember to add the triggers.
hit_reaction_chanceUsed to give a reaction chance on hit that is not a block. If less than 0, will remove the block message, allowing overides.
hitsoundSound played when you hit something with the item
icon_overrideUsed to override hardcoded clothing dmis in human clothing proc.
in_inventoryIs this item equipped into an inventory slot or hand of a mob?
in_storageIs this item inside a storage object?
inhand_x_dimensionDimension X of the lefthand_file and righthand_file var eg: 32x32 sprite, 64x64 sprite, etc.
inhand_y_dimensionDimension Y of the lefthand_file and righthand_file var eg: 32x32 sprite, 64x64 sprite, etc.
item_stateThe icon state used to display the item in your inventory. If null then the icon_state value itself will be used
materialsWhat materials the item yields when broken down. Some methods will not recover everything (autolathes only recover metal and glass, for example).
max_heat_protection_temperatureSet this variable to determine up to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against heat damage. Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by heat_protection flags
min_cold_protection_temperatureSet this variable to determine down to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against cold damage. 0 is NOT an acceptable number due to if(varname) tests!! Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by cold_protection flags
mob_throw_hit_soundUsed when yate into a mob
needs_permitUsed by security bots to determine if this item is safe for public use.
outline_filterHolder var for the item outline filter, null when no outline filter on the item.
pass_flagsDetermines what it can pass over/through. IE. 'PASSTABLE' will allow it to pass over tables
permeability_coefficientfor chemicals/diseases
pickup_soundSound uses when picking the item up (into your hands)
prefered_slot_flagsIf set, this determines which slots are considered when using quick equip
put_on_delayHow long it takes to put an item onto somebody. IE. clothing
reachIn tiles, how far this weapon can reach; 1 for adjacent, which is default
siemens_coefficientfor electrical admittance/conductance (electrocution checks and shit)
slot_flagsThis is used to determine on which slots an item can fit.
slowdownHow much clothing is slowing you down. Negative values speeds you up.
sprite_sheets_inhandUsed to override inhand items. Use a single .dmi and suffix the icon states inside with _l and _r for each hand.
sprite_sheets_objUsed to override hardcoded clothing inventory object dmis in human clothing proc.
stealthy_audioWhether or not we use stealthy audio levels for this item's attack sounds
strip_delayHow long it takes to remove an item off of somebody. IE. clothing
thrownbyUID of a /mob
tool_behaviourWhat kind of tool are we?
tool_enabledIf we can turn on or off, are we currently active? Mostly for welders and this will normally be TRUE
tool_volumeHow loud are we when we use our tool?
toolspeedIf this item is a tool, the speed multiplier. Smaller numbers are faster.
usesoundPlayed when the item is used, for example tools
w_classDetermines how big/small items are to fit in storage containers


activate_selfCalled when the item is in the active hand, and clicked; alternately, there is an 'activate held object' verb or you can hit pagedown.
after_attackLast proc in the /obj/item/proc/melee_attack_chain.
afterattack__legacy__attackchainLast proc in the /obj/item/proc/melee_attack_chain.
attackCalled when we are used by user to attack the living target.
attack_objThe equivalent of the standard version of /obj/item/proc/attack but for non mob targets.
attack_obj__legacy__attackchainCalled when user attacks us with object O.
attack_self__legacy__attackchainCalled when user has us in the active hand, and has clicked on us.
can_enter_storageCalled to check if this item can be put into a storage item.
change_speech_verbChanges the speech verb when wearing this item if a value is returned
cigarette_lighter_actHandles the bulk of cigarette lighting interactions. You must call light() to actually light the cigarette.
customised_abstract_textThis proc is used to add text for items with ABSTRACT flag after default examine text.
cyborg_rechargeCalled on cyborg items that need special charging behavior. Override as needed for specific items.
droppedCalled when a mob drops an item.
dye_itemUpdates an item's appearance to mimic the appearance of another item in the dye_registry's dictionary what types of items (beanie, jumpsuit, shoes, etc) src is dyed into depends on the dye_key unless an overidden dye_key is specified. For example if our dye_key is DYE_REGISTRY_UNDER and we specify to dye to DYE_RED, our item's appearance would then mimic /obj/item/clothing/under/color/red; see [code/_globalvars/lists/] for this dictionary
get_job_nameUsed in secHUD icon generation
get_part_ratingReturns a numeric value for sorting items used as parts in machines, so they can be replaced by the B/RPED
interact_with_atomCalled when this item is being used to interact with an atom, IE, a mob is clicking on an atom with this item.
is_equippedreturns TRUE if the item is equipped by a mob, 0 otherwise.
is_robot_moduleChecks whether this item is a module of the robot it is located in.
melee_attack_chainThis is the proc that handles the order of an item_attack.
override_throwReturn true if you don't want regular throw handling
pre_attackCalled on ourselves before we hit something. Return TRUE to cancel the remainder of the attack chain.
ranged_interact_with_atomCalled when this item is being used to interact with an atom from a distance, IE, a mob is clicking on an atom with this item and is not adjacent.
refillGeneric refill proc. Transfers something (e.g. fuel, charge) from an atom to our tool. returns TRUE if it was successful, FALSE otherwise
useGeneric use proc. Depending on the item, it uses up fuel, charges, sheets, etc. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
use_toolCalled when a mob tries to use the item as a tool. Handles most checks.

Var Details


List of icons-sheets for a given action to override the icon.


List of icon states for a given action to override the icon_state.


List of /datum/action's that this item has.


List of paths of action datums to give to the item on New().


For what suits can store. IE. secuirty vest holding stunbatons, disablers, cuffs.


Flat armour reduction, occurs after percentage armour penetration.


Percentage armour reduction, happens before flat armour reduction.


Allows you to override the attack animation with an attack effect


Used in attackby() to say how something was attacked "[x] has been [z.attack_verb] by [y] with [z]"


What bodyflags does this item cover? See for appropriate bit flags


Flags which determine which body parts are protected from cold. Use the HEAD, UPPER_TORSO, LOWER_TORSO, etc. flags. See


used in to make an item not show an attack message to viewers


What can/cant be worn, and where is valid to be worn by ian/E-N(and corgies), most of the time changing the name and emotes of the pet.


Sound uses when dropping the item, or when its thrown.


If this item is put into a washing machine to be dyed, can objects of this type be dyed into a different color/icon?


The associated key to the dye registry GLOB list, used to transform/color this piece of clothing through dyeing


So items can have custom embedd values because customisation is king


The chances of the item falling out of the limb


The coefficient of multiplication for the damage this item does when falling out of a limb (this * w_class)


How fast something has to be going to embed


The coefficient of multiplication for the damage this item does when first embedded (this * w_class)


The cances of the item dealing damage to the limb


The coefficient of multiplication for the damage this item does while embedded (this * w_class)


The coefficient of multiplication for the damage removing this without surgery causes (this * w_class)


A time in ticks, multiplied by the w_class.


Sound used when equipping the item into a valid slot


For flags that define what areas an item cover


Since any item can now be a piece of clothing, this has to be put here so all items share it. This flag is used to determine when items in someone's inventory cover others. IE helmets making it so you can't see glasses, etc.


For leaking gas from turf to mask and vice-versa.


Flags which determine which body parts are protected from heat. Use the HEAD, UPPER_TORSO, LOWER_TORSO, etc. flags. See

All items can have an uplink hidden inside, just remember to add the triggers.


Used to give a reaction chance on hit that is not a block. If less than 0, will remove the block message, allowing overides.


Sound played when you hit something with the item


Used to override hardcoded clothing dmis in human clothing proc.


Is this item equipped into an inventory slot or hand of a mob?


Is this item inside a storage object?


Dimension X of the lefthand_file and righthand_file var eg: 32x32 sprite, 64x64 sprite, etc.


Dimension Y of the lefthand_file and righthand_file var eg: 32x32 sprite, 64x64 sprite, etc.


The icon state used to display the item in your inventory. If null then the icon_state value itself will be used


What materials the item yields when broken down. Some methods will not recover everything (autolathes only recover metal and glass, for example).


Set this variable to determine up to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against heat damage. Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by heat_protection flags


Set this variable to determine down to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against cold damage. 0 is NOT an acceptable number due to if(varname) tests!! Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by cold_protection flags


Used when yate into a mob


Used by security bots to determine if this item is safe for public use.


Holder var for the item outline filter, null when no outline filter on the item.


Determines what it can pass over/through. IE. 'PASSTABLE' will allow it to pass over tables


for chemicals/diseases


Sound uses when picking the item up (into your hands)


If set, this determines which slots are considered when using quick equip


How long it takes to put an item onto somebody. IE. clothing


In tiles, how far this weapon can reach; 1 for adjacent, which is default


for electrical admittance/conductance (electrocution checks and shit)


This is used to determine on which slots an item can fit.


How much clothing is slowing you down. Negative values speeds you up.


Used to override inhand items. Use a single .dmi and suffix the icon states inside with _l and _r for each hand.


Used to override hardcoded clothing inventory object dmis in human clothing proc.


Whether or not we use stealthy audio levels for this item's attack sounds


How long it takes to remove an item off of somebody. IE. clothing


UID of a /mob


What kind of tool are we?


If we can turn on or off, are we currently active? Mostly for welders and this will normally be TRUE


How loud are we when we use our tool?


If this item is a tool, the speed multiplier. Smaller numbers are faster.


Played when the item is used, for example tools


Determines how big/small items are to fit in storage containers

Proc Details


Called when the item is in the active hand, and clicked; alternately, there is an 'activate held object' verb or you can hit pagedown.


Last proc in the /obj/item/proc/melee_attack_chain.



Last proc in the /obj/item/proc/melee_attack_chain.

Sends COMSIG_AFTER_ATTACK and COMSIG_AFTER_ATTACKED_BY, handling no responses. New uses of this proc are prohibited! attack() calls on mobs and objects handle sending these signals.



Called when we are used by user to attack the living target.

Returns TRUE if the rest of the attack chain should be cancelled. This may occur if the attack failed for some reason. Returns FALSE if the attack was "successful" or "handled" in some way, and the rest of the attack chain should still fire.


The equivalent of the standard version of /obj/item/proc/attack but for non mob targets.


Called when user attacks us with object O.

Handles COMSIG_ATTACK_OBJ returning [COMPONENT_NO_ATTACK_OBJ]. Returns FALSE if the attack isn't valid.

New uses of this proc are prohibited! Use /obj/item/proc/interact_with_atom or /atom/proc/base_item_interaction if this is not meant to be an attack, and /obj/item/proc/attack_obj if it is. If you are modifiying an existing implementation of this proc, it is expected that you replace it with the proper alternative!


Called when user has us in the active hand, and has clicked on us.

Handles COMSIG_ACTIVATE_SELF returning [COMPONENT_NO_INTERACT]. Returns TRUE if a listener has requested the attack chain be cancelled.

New uses of this proc are prohibited! Use /obj/item/proc/activate_self. If you are modifiying an existing implementation of this proc, it is expected that you replace it with the proper alternative!


Called to check if this item can be put into a storage item.

Return FALSE if src can't be inserted, and TRUE if it can. Arguments:


Changes the speech verb when wearing this item if a value is returned


Handles the bulk of cigarette lighting interactions. You must call light() to actually light the cigarette.

Returns: the target's cigarette (or the cigarette itself if attacked directly) if all checks are passed. If the cigarette is already lit, or is a fancy smokable being lit by anything other than a zippo or match, will return FALSE. Otherwise it will return null. Arguments:


This proc is used to add text for items with ABSTRACT flag after default examine text.


Called on cyborg items that need special charging behavior. Override as needed for specific items.


Called when a mob drops an item.


Updates an item's appearance to mimic the appearance of another item in the dye_registry's dictionary what types of items (beanie, jumpsuit, shoes, etc) src is dyed into depends on the dye_key unless an overidden dye_key is specified. For example if our dye_key is DYE_REGISTRY_UNDER and we specify to dye to DYE_RED, our item's appearance would then mimic /obj/item/clothing/under/color/red; see [code/_globalvars/lists/] for this dictionary

once everything is updated, the target type path that we dyed the item into is returned



Used in secHUD icon generation


Returns a numeric value for sorting items used as parts in machines, so they can be replaced by the B/RPED


Called when this item is being used to interact with an atom, IE, a mob is clicking on an atom with this item.

Return an ITEM_INTERACT_ flag in the event the interaction was handled, to cancel further interaction code. Return NONE to allow default interaction / tool handling.


returns TRUE if the item is equipped by a mob, 0 otherwise.


Checks whether this item is a module of the robot it is located in.


This is the proc that handles the order of an item_attack.

The order of procs called is:

Currently the return value of this proc is not checked anywhere, and is only used when short-circuiting the rest of the item attack.


Return true if you don't want regular throw handling


Called on ourselves before we hit something. Return TRUE to cancel the remainder of the attack chain.


See: /obj/item/proc/melee_attack_chain


Called when this item is being used to interact with an atom from a distance, IE, a mob is clicking on an atom with this item and is not adjacent.

Does NOT include Telekinesis users, they are considered adjacent generally (so long as this item is adjacent to the atom).

Return an ITEM_INTERACT_ flag in the event the interaction was handled, to cancel further interaction code.


Generic refill proc. Transfers something (e.g. fuel, charge) from an atom to our tool. returns TRUE if it was successful, FALSE otherwise


Generic use proc. Depending on the item, it uses up fuel, charges, sheets, etc. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.


Called when a mob tries to use the item as a tool. Handles most checks.