Vars | |
card_attack_verb | Inherited card verbs |
card_force | Inherited card force |
card_hitsound | Inherited card hit sound |
card_resistance_flags | Inherited card resistance |
card_style | Styling for the cards, if they have multiple sets of sprites |
card_throw_range | Inherited card throw range |
card_throw_speed | Inherited card throw speed |
card_throwforce | Inherited card throw force |
deck_size | How many copies of the base deck (built in build_deck()) should be added? |
deck_style | Styling for the deck, it they has multiple sets of sprites |
deck_total | The number of cards in a full deck. Set on init after all cards are created/added. |
last_player_action | The action that the last player made. Should be in the form of "played a card", "drew a card." |
last_player_name | The name of the last player to interact with this deck. |
main_deck_id | ID used to track the decks and cardhands that can be combined into one another. |
shuffle_cooldown | How often the deck can be shuffled. |
simple_deck | For decks without a full set of sprites |
Procs | |
build_deck | Stub, override this to define how a base deck should be filled and built. |
build_decks | Fill the deck with all the specified cards. Uses deck_size to determine how many times to call build_deck() |
draw_card | Draw a card from this deck. Arguments: |
return_cards | Return a number of cards to a deck. |
return_hand_click | Return a single card to the deck. |
Var Details
Inherited card verbs
Inherited card force
Inherited card hit sound
Inherited card resistance
Styling for the cards, if they have multiple sets of sprites
Inherited card throw range
Inherited card throw speed
Inherited card throw force
How many copies of the base deck (built in build_deck()) should be added?
Styling for the deck, it they has multiple sets of sprites
The number of cards in a full deck. Set on init after all cards are created/added.
The action that the last player made. Should be in the form of "played a card", "drew a card."
The name of the last player to interact with this deck.
ID used to track the decks and cardhands that can be combined into one another.
How often the deck can be shuffled.
For decks without a full set of sprites
Proc Details
Stub, override this to define how a base deck should be filled and built.
Fill the deck with all the specified cards. Uses deck_size to determine how many times to call build_deck()
Draw a card from this deck. Arguments:
- user - The mob drawing the card.
- public - If true, the drawn card will be displayed to people around the table.
- draw_from_top - If true, the card will be drawn from the top of the deck.
Return a number of cards to a deck.
- user - The mob returning the cards.
- hand - The hand from which the cards are being returned.
- place_on_top - If true, cards will be placed on the top of the deck. Otherwise, they'll be placed on the bottom.
- chosen_cards - If not empty, will essentially override any selection dialogs and force these cards to be returned.
Return a single card to the deck.