A small item that reports its current location. Has a tag to help distinguish between them.
Vars | |
emped | Whether the GPS is EMPed, disabling it temporarily. |
gpstag | The tag that is visible to other GPSes. |
local | Whether the GPS should only show up to GPSes on the same Z-level. |
locked_location | Turf reference. If set, it will appear in the UI. Used by /obj/machinery/computer/telescience. |
same_z | Whether to only list signals that are on the same Z-level. |
tracking | Whether the GPS is on. |
Procs | |
reboot | Turns off the GPS's EMPed state. Called automatically after an EMP. |
Var Details
Whether the GPS is EMPed, disabling it temporarily.
The tag that is visible to other GPSes.
Whether the GPS should only show up to GPSes on the same Z-level.
Turf reference. If set, it will appear in the UI. Used by /obj/machinery/computer/telescience.
Whether to only list signals that are on the same Z-level.
Whether the GPS is on.
Proc Details
Turns off the GPS's EMPed state. Called automatically after an EMP.