Vars | |
module_list | List of any instanced /datum/painter's, to avoid spawning more than one of each. |
painter_icon_list | Associative list of painter types, with the value being the icon. (For use in the radial menu) |
painter_type_list | Associative list of painter types, with the value being the datum. (For use in the radial menu) |
selected_module | The /datum/painter which is currently active. |
Procs | |
CtrlClick | Displays a radial menu for choosing a new painter module. |
afterattack__legacy__attackchain | If adjacent, calls paint_atom() on the selected_module , then plays the usesound . |
attack_self__legacy__attackchain | Calls pick_color() on the selected_module . |
change_module | Changes the selected_module variable to new_module , and updates the painter to reflect the new type. |
Var Details
List of any instanced /datum/painter's, to avoid spawning more than one of each.
Associative list of painter types, with the value being the icon. (For use in the radial menu)
Associative list of painter types, with the value being the datum. (For use in the radial menu)
The /datum/painter which is currently active.
Proc Details
Displays a radial menu for choosing a new painter module.
If adjacent, calls paint_atom()
on the selected_module
, then plays the usesound
Calls pick_color()
on the selected_module
Changes the selected_module
variable to new_module
, and updates the painter to reflect the new type.
If new_module
is already present in module_list
, then that will be used instead.
Otherwise a new datum will be spawned and added to module_list
The Name, Description, Icon State, and Item State of the painter will be updated using variables from the new_module
- datum/painter/new_module - The new painter datum which will be used.
- mob/user - The user interacting with the painter.