Vars | |
airlock_glass | If the airlock will be created with glass so it can be seen through. |
allowed_targets | A list of valid atoms that RCDs can target. Clicking on an atom with an RCD which is not in this list, will do nothing. |
can_rwall | If the RCD can deconstruct reinforced walls. |
door_accesses_list | An associative list containing all station accesses. Includes their name and access number. For use with the UI. |
door_name | The name that newly build airlocks will receive. |
door_type | The current airlock type that will be build. |
door_types_ui_list | An associative list containing an airlock's name, type path, and image. For use with the UI. |
electrochromic | If the glass airlock is polarized. |
locked | Is the RCD's airlock access selection menu locked? |
matter | The current amount of matter stored. |
max_matter | The max amount of matter that can be stored. |
mode | The RCD's current build mode. |
no_ammo_message | No ammo warning |
one_access | If this is TRUE, any airlocks that gets built will require only ONE of the checked accesses. If FALSE, it will require ALL of them. |
possible_actions | The list of potential RCD actions. |
rcd_door_types | An associative list of airlock type paths as keys, and their names as values. |
selected_accesses | A list of access numbers which have been checked off by the user in the UI. |
spark_system | The spark system used to create sparks when the user interacts with the RCD. |
ui_tab | Which airlock tab the UI is currently set to display. |
Procs | |
check_menu | Runs a series of pre-checks before opening the radial menu to the user. |
detonate_pulse | Called from malf AI's "detonate RCD" ability. |
detonate_pulse_explode | Called in /obj/item/rcd/proc/detonate_pulse() via callback. |
get_airlock_image | Creates and returns a base64 icon of the given airlock_type . |
load | Tries to load ammo into an RCD, borgs will not use this. Arguments: |
radial_menu | Creates and displays a radial menu to a user when they trigger the attack_self of the RCD. |
tool_use_check | Called in each of the four build modes before an object gets build. Makes sure there is enough matter to build the object. |
ui_act_modal | Called in ui_act() to process modal actions |
use | Attempts to use matter from the RCD. |
Var Details
If the airlock will be created with glass so it can be seen through.
A list of valid atoms that RCDs can target. Clicking on an atom with an RCD which is not in this list, will do nothing.
If the RCD can deconstruct reinforced walls.
An associative list containing all station accesses. Includes their name and access number. For use with the UI.
The name that newly build airlocks will receive.
The current airlock type that will be build.
An associative list containing an airlock's name, type path, and image. For use with the UI.
If the glass airlock is polarized.
Is the RCD's airlock access selection menu locked?
The current amount of matter stored.
The max amount of matter that can be stored.
The RCD's current build mode.
No ammo warning
If this is TRUE, any airlocks that gets built will require only ONE of the checked accesses. If FALSE, it will require ALL of them.
The list of potential RCD actions.
An associative list of airlock type paths as keys, and their names as values.
A list of access numbers which have been checked off by the user in the UI.
The spark system used to create sparks when the user interacts with the RCD.
Which airlock tab the UI is currently set to display.
Proc Details
Runs a series of pre-checks before opening the radial menu to the user.
- user - the mob trying to open the radial menu.
Called from malf AI's "detonate RCD" ability.
Creates a delayed explosion centered around the RCD.
Called in /obj/item/rcd/proc/detonate_pulse()
via callback.
Creates and returns a base64 icon of the given airlock_type
This is used for airlock icon previews in the UI.
- airlock_type - an airlock typepath.
Tries to load ammo into an RCD, borgs will not use this. Arguments:
- cart - the compressed matter catridge to insert
- user - the user to display the chat messages to
Creates and displays a radial menu to a user when they trigger the attack_self
of the RCD.
- user - the mob trying to open the RCD radial.
Called in each of the four build modes before an object gets build. Makes sure there is enough matter to build the object.
- amount - an amount of matter to check for
Called in ui_act() to process modal actions
- action - The action passed by tgui
- params - The params passed by tgui
Attempts to use matter from the RCD.
- amount - the amount of matter to use