Space Station 13 - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Cooking containers are used in ovens, fryers and so on, to hold multiple ingredients for a recipe. They interact with the cooking process, and link up with the cooking code dynamically. Originally sourced from the Aurora, heavily retooled to actually work with PCWJ Holder for a portion of an incomplete meal, allows a cook to temporarily offload recipes to work on things factory-style, eliminating the need for 20 plates to get things done fast.


claimedThe autochef which has claimed this container.
cooker_dataRecord of what cooking has been done on this food.
lipIcon state of the lip layer of the object
miniWhether the container is in "mini" mode, that is, placed on a cooking machine and rendered with its smaller icons
prepositionPreposition for human-readable recipe e.g. "in a pain", "on a grill".
removal_penaltyA flat quality reduction for removing an unfinished recipe from the container.
trackerThe /datum/cooking/recipe_tracker of the current food preparation.


clearDeletes contents and reagents of container.
process_itemAttempt to progress the known recipes in the tracker with the item last used on the container. Note that this is the same proc used for both steps like adding items to a container, as well as cooking the container in a cooking machine, such as an oven or stove. So in some cases used will be something like a food item, and in other cases used will be an /obj/machinery/cooking.

Var Details


The autochef which has claimed this container.


Record of what cooking has been done on this food.


Icon state of the lip layer of the object


Whether the container is in "mini" mode, that is, placed on a cooking machine and rendered with its smaller icons


Preposition for human-readable recipe e.g. "in a pain", "on a grill".


A flat quality reduction for removing an unfinished recipe from the container.


The /datum/cooking/recipe_tracker of the current food preparation.

Proc Details


Deletes contents and reagents of container.


Attempt to progress the known recipes in the tracker with the item last used on the container. Note that this is the same proc used for both steps like adding items to a container, as well as cooking the container in a cooking machine, such as an oven or stove. So in some cases used will be something like a food item, and in other cases used will be an /obj/machinery/cooking.