Vars | |
active_power_consumption | How much power does this machine consume when it is in use. This should not be set manually, use the helper procs! |
being_repaired | This is if the machinery is being repaired |
idle_power_consumption | How much power does this machine consume when it is idling. This should not be set manually, use the helper procs! |
machine_powernet | The powernet this machine is connected to |
power_channel | The power channel this machine uses, idle/passive power consumption will pull from this channel and machine won't work if power channel has no power |
power_initialized | Has power been initialized on this machine? Set in Initialize(), prevents all power updates to the local powernet until this is TRUE to avoid weird numbers. |
power_state | How is this machine currently passively consuming power? |
siemens_strength | how badly will it shock you? |
Procs | |
_add_static_power | Helper proc to positively adjust static power tracking on the machine's powernet, not meant for general use! |
_remove_static_power | Helper proc to negatively adjust static power tracking on the machine's powernet, not meant for general use! |
can_use_shortcut | Makes sure the user is allowed to interact with the machine when they use a shortcut, like Control or Alt-clicking. |
change_power_mode | Helper proc to change the machines power usage mode, automatically adjusts static power usage to maintain perfect parity |
try_attack_hand | Preprocess machinery interaction. |
update_active_power_consumption | Safely changes the static power on the local powernet based on an adjustment in active power |
update_idle_power_consumption | Safely changes the static power on the local powernet based on an adjustment in idle power |
Var Details
How much power does this machine consume when it is in use. This should not be set manually, use the helper procs!
This is if the machinery is being repaired
How much power does this machine consume when it is idling. This should not be set manually, use the helper procs!
The powernet this machine is connected to
The power channel this machine uses, idle/passive power consumption will pull from this channel and machine won't work if power channel has no power
Has power been initialized on this machine? Set in Initialize(), prevents all power updates to the local powernet until this is TRUE to avoid weird numbers.
How is this machine currently passively consuming power?
how badly will it shock you?
Proc Details
Helper proc to positively adjust static power tracking on the machine's powernet, not meant for general use!
Helper proc to negatively adjust static power tracking on the machine's powernet, not meant for general use!
Makes sure the user is allowed to interact with the machine when they use a shortcut, like Control or Alt-clicking.
- user - the mob who is trying to interact with the machine.
Helper proc to change the machines power usage mode, automatically adjusts static power usage to maintain perfect parity
Preprocess machinery interaction.
If overriding and extending interaction limitations, better call this with ..() unless you really know what you are doing.
Returns TRUE when interaction is done due to different limitations and nothing should be done next. Returns FALSE when interaction can be continued. Arguments:
- user - the mob interacting with this machinery
Safely changes the static power on the local powernet based on an adjustment in active power
Safely changes the static power on the local powernet based on an adjustment in idle power