Vars | |
biomass | The amount of biomass stored in the machine. |
categories | The /datum/design's categories which can be produced by this machine and can be uploaded via a disk. |
container | The container that is used to store reagents from certain products. |
efficiency | Used to modify the cost of producing items. A higher number means cheaper costs. |
files | A reference to the biogenerator's research, which contains designs that it can build. |
max_storable_plants | The maximum amount of plants the biogenerator can store. |
processing | Is the biogenerator curretly grinding up plants? |
product_list | A list which holds all categories and items the biogenator has available. Used with the UI to save having to rebuild this every time someone opens it. |
productivity | Used to modify how much biomass is produced by grinding plants. A higher number means more biomass. |
stored_plants | A list of plants currently stored plants in the biogenerator. |
Procs | |
check_container_volume | Check if the biogenerator's container can hold the reagents we're trying to give it. |
check_cost | Check if the biogenerator has enough biomass to create the passed in design D , times the mutiplier . |
create_product | Create biogenerator products and subtracts the appropriate biomass cost. |
detach_container | Detach the container from the biogenerator. |
eject_plants | Ejects the biogenerator's stored plants |
process_plants | Tells the biogenerator to grind up any stored plants, and produce an appropriate amount of biomass. |
update_ui_product_list | Builds/Updates the product_list used by the UI. |
Var Details
The amount of biomass stored in the machine.
The /datum/design's categories which can be produced by this machine and can be uploaded via a disk.
The container that is used to store reagents from certain products.
Used to modify the cost of producing items. A higher number means cheaper costs.
A reference to the biogenerator's research, which contains designs that it can build.
The maximum amount of plants the biogenerator can store.
Is the biogenerator curretly grinding up plants?
A list which holds all categories and items the biogenator has available. Used with the UI to save having to rebuild this every time someone opens it.
Used to modify how much biomass is produced by grinding plants. A higher number means more biomass.
A list of plants currently stored plants in the biogenerator.
Proc Details
Check if the biogenerator's container
can hold the reagents we're trying to give it.
- datum/design/D - the design we want to create reagents from
- multiplier - how many of this design should be built
Check if the biogenerator has enough biomass to create the passed in design D
, times the mutiplier
- datum/design/D - the design we want to create
- multiplier - how many of this design should be built
Create biogenerator products and subtracts the appropriate biomass cost.
- datum/design/D - the design we want to create, or create reagents from
- amount - how many of this design should be built
Detach the container
from the biogenerator.
Ejects the biogenerator's stored plants
Tells the biogenerator to grind up any stored plants, and produce an appropriate amount of biomass.
- mob/user - the mob who activated the biogenerator
Builds/Updates the product_list
used by the UI.