Vars | |
biomass | The cloner's biomass count. |
biomass_storage_capacity | How much biomass we can store. This is calculated at the same time as organ_storage_capacity. |
clone | Our patient. |
clone_progress | The progress on the current clone. Measured from 0-100, where 0-20 has no body, and 21-100 gradually builds on limbs every 10. (r_arm, r_hand, l_arm, l_hand, r_leg, r_foot, l_leg, l_foot) |
console | The linked cloning console. |
countdown | The countdown. |
current_limb | The limb we're currently growing. |
currently_cloning | Whether or not we're cloning someone. |
desc_flavor | Flavor text to show on examine. |
desired_data | The cloning_data datum which shows the status we want the patient to be in. |
emp_resistance | How resistant the cloner is to being emp'd. Equal to the average level of all the stock parts |
limbs_to_grow | A list of limbs which have not yet been grown by the cloner. |
organ_storage_capacity | How many organs we can store. This is calculated with the storage modifier in RefreshParts(). |
patient_data | The cloning_data datum which shows the patient's current status. |
price_modifier | Our price modifier, multiplied with the base cost to get the true cost. |
speed_modifier | The speed at which we clone. Each processing cycle will advance clone_progress by this amount. |
storage_modifier | Our storage modifier, which is used in calculating organ and biomass storage. |
Var Details
The cloner's biomass count.
How much biomass we can store. This is calculated at the same time as organ_storage_capacity.
Our patient.
The progress on the current clone. Measured from 0-100, where 0-20 has no body, and 21-100 gradually builds on limbs every 10. (r_arm, r_hand, l_arm, l_hand, r_leg, r_foot, l_leg, l_foot)
The linked cloning console.
The countdown.
The limb we're currently growing.
Whether or not we're cloning someone.
Flavor text to show on examine.
The cloning_data datum which shows the status we want the patient to be in.
How resistant the cloner is to being emp'd. Equal to the average level of all the stock parts
A list of limbs which have not yet been grown by the cloner.
How many organs we can store. This is calculated with the storage modifier in RefreshParts().
The cloning_data datum which shows the patient's current status.
Our price modifier, multiplied with the base cost to get the true cost.
The speed at which we clone. Each processing cycle will advance clone_progress by this amount.
Our storage modifier, which is used in calculating organ and biomass storage.